{25: Spearmint Polos and Cold Coffee}

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"Fuck" you cursed.

You had dropped your keys. You groaned inwardly, squatting down to retrieve them. You learn backwards awkwardly, balancing your tray of coffees in one hand, bag slung over your shoulder, phone in the hand that was currently grappling the floor for your keys. Finally you hooked them in the crook of your little finger and straightened up.

Locking your car you headed into the building, eyes glancing around. Watching for any sign you may be being followed. Satisfied you were alone you continued your trek to the fourth floor. A quick rapt of your knuckles on door 57 notified the men inside that you were there and within a few seconds the door flew open to reveal a smirking Jimin.

"Why hello gorgeous, what brings you here?" His pearly whites shone as he grinned at you and you rose an eyebrow, poking out your pink tongue at him.

"Shut up Jimin, you knew I was on my way" you counter and he winks, opening the door wider so you could step past him.

"I brought coffee" you announced, holding up your tray for the group to see.

"Thank fuck, you're a lifesaver (Y/N)" Yoongi reached forwards to take his cup from you.

Hoseok hummed, "hes right- Jins instant coffe tastes like ass"

"Now how would you know what ass tastes like hyung?" Jungkook asked, hands on his hips demandingly.

"Shut up JK, you know I didn't mean it like that" Hoseok accepted his cup, bringing it to his lips to take a sip. He gave a sigh of content as the scalding liquid hit his tongue, a nice change from the doctors instant powder.

Jungkook continued to snicker and you shoved a chocolate Frappuccino into his hands, "Jungkook, shut up and drink your chocolate milkshake like a good boy" you tell him.

He glared at you, "don't try me (Y/N), we both know I can knock you into next week"

You snorted, "you can try baby"

"I'm older than you (Y/N), that makes you the baby" he points out.

"I hate to say it but the kid has a point" Yoongi didn't look up from his phone.

"Who's side are you on?" You stressed and Jimin snorted.

"Can I have my drink now?" The orange haired man asked. You handed him his strawberries and cream Frappuccino and he grinned.

"If it helps you're a lot nicer than JK" he blew you a kiss and you winked at him.

"Where's Jin?" You ask the group and their smiles fall.

"He's in his doctor room, just go and knock" Hoseok told you.

"Is he ok?" You ask, a frown painting your features.

"I think he still feels like he should have done more for Tae, he feels like he wasn't a good enough doctor to treat him" Yoongi explained for the doctor.

"He did all he could, he shouldn't feel so guilty" you sighed, "ill be back in a minute guys".

You head down the hallway to Jins practice room. From inside you could hear the eldest mans voice ring out.

"Cmon just a little further, you can do it"

You knocked lightly, pushing open the door to the room.

You were greeted by a wide smile from Jin and the cutest smile in the world.

"Hey, how you doing mister?" You asked the ashy haired boy.

Tae gave you his signature boxy grin, "hey (Y/N), I missed you" he pouted.

"I was here yesterday" you laughed and the boy gave a shameless shrug.

Mob Mentality//Namjoon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now