{2: Fuck you, Jeon Jungkook}

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You paid Hoseok for the tattoo after Blondie had wrapped it in bandages with strict instructions on how to look after it. You don't really listen- You had heard it countless times before.

As you go to leave you feel a large hand grip your waist tightly. It wasn't tight enough to be painful but still tight enough to send chills up your spine.

"I'll see you soon, baby girl" Blondie whispers into your ear, the words dripping off his tongue. You wouldn't be so sure of that if you were him. He made you nervous, not in a bad way per say, but enough to scare you away.

You shivered under his predatory gaze and give one last wave to Hoseok before leaving the shop.


It was about a week since you had visited the tattoo shop and You had no plans to ever see that RM guy again. But you couldn't stop the countless times you thought about him. Thought about his hand gripping your waist, his fingers skimming your abdomen as he tattooed you. The electric shock it sent through your skin.

Part of you wanted to see him again. You craved his touch and the sound of his gruff, deep voice. You craved the electric feeling he gave you and the butterflies in your stomach when he was in the room.

The other part of you hoped you never even saw him again. He sent chills up your spine. They way he looked at you, as if you were his prey or something. And it scared you. He scared you.

So here you were, a week later, in class with your best friend, the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

"(Y/nnnnn)" he whined playfully, tugging on your sleeve.

"What Kookie?" You whine back.

"Come with me whilst I get a new tattoo?" He begged. Of course you would go but the idea of bumping into Blondie again freaked you out.

"Maybe Kooks, I'll see about it" You answer not looking up from your work. You knew he would take that as a win because you could never say no to a face such as Jungkooks.

"Okay, at least stay over tonight? We can go tomorrow then, I've already booked it anyways" he grinned and you give a sigh. Of course he had.

"Fine Jungkook, I'll stay over and debate going with you to get your tattoo"  You smile back at him and his grin gets even wider, I know, was that even possible at this point? You knew that he knew you would go with him. He had known you long enough.

So when class finished the two of you headed to his house. Well penthouse. Did I mention Jungkook is rich as fuck? Obviously you stopped at your shitty apartment to grab some clothes and stuff first.

Jungkooks apartment is right at the top of the tallest apartment block in town. His father, Mr Jeon, owned the biggest loan company in the city. Or was it an investment company? You weren't too sure. All you knew was that it was shady business that you didn't question.

Whatever it was, it meant Jungkooks family was rich. You followed Jungkook through the apartment until you reached his room.

You flung your body onto his king sized bed. You can't imagine how empty this would feel to him on the nights you didn't sleep over. Jungkook grins as he flops down next to me.

It's so easy for you to be yourself with Jungkook. The ebony haired boy just brings out your inner child, he eases you out of your comfort zone.

"Kookieeee" you whine, swatting at his arm. He giggles, turning on his side to look at you.

"Yes my dear (y/n)?"

You bat your eyelashes at him bashfully.

"Your nan" you whisper, dogging a punch from the ravenette beside you.

"Is a very lovely woman, jeez Kook let me finish" you smirk and Jungkook rolls his eyes.

Suddenly you hear the front door shut and the familiar voices of Jungkooks dad, Mr Jeon and... Blondie? What was he doing here this late at night? With Mr Jeon of all people?

"Kookie has a girl round? Really? Now this I have to see" you hear the blonde man laugh. Oh fuck. Was he coming in here??

Too late you realise as the door creaked open to reveal the blonde with a sloppy grin.

"Hey Kook-" he began. Then he saw you and his smile turned into a smirk.

"(Y/n)" he drawled, in that arrogant tone, "fancy seeing you here."

"Oh, hi" you reply quietly, avoiding his intense gaze.

"Hyung! How do you know (y/n)?" Jungkook grinned at the older man.

"I tattooed her last week" Blondie gave you a smug smile.

"Oh wow hyung, hey I'm going to get a new tattoo tomorrow, (y/n)'s coming with me!" Jungkook grinned, oblivious to the obvious tension between you and the blonde.

"Ah, well I guess I'll see you both tomorrow" Blondie winked one last time before closing the door and resuming his conversation with Mr Jeon.

"Why did you say that? I haven't agreed to go yet" you frown in Jungkooks direction.

"Because I know you will anyways" Jungkook flashes his signature cheeky grin.

"Fuck you, Jeon Jungkook, fuck you."

The ebony haired boy just laughs.


It had been three hours since you had seen Blondie. Surely he had gone by now? You were busting for the toilet but was too afraid to go in case you bumped into him.

Finally you decided on going, slipping silently out of Jungkooks room and walking down the long, carpeted hall. Your feet padded softly against the carpet as you made your way to the bathroom. Luckily you made it all the way there without bumping into a certain blonde. However, your return trip wasn't so successful.

The blonde man walked out of Mr Jeons office just as you walked past, causing you to crash into the tall man in front of you.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" You snap at him. He just flashes a smirk, closing the door behind him.

"Don't give me attitude princess" he moves closer to you and you back into the wall.

"I'm not your princess and I'll give you any attitude I want" you give him your best glare, hoping you looked fierce enough for him to back off. But of course your luck isn't that good.

"Aw baby, I didn't know you were the disobedient type" He murmured, stepping even closer to you so that your bodies were almost touching. You just couldn't seem to form words as your breath hitched in your throat. You wanted to tell where him to shove his arrogance but you just couldn't. This was so out of character for you, you had never been at a loss for words.

You shoved against his chest but he didn't move.

"Get off of me" you demand meekly. You swear he never stopped smirking.

"I'll see you tomorrow princess" he murmured lowly in your ear, before trailing his fingers down you waist one last time. Then he was gone. You stood, frozen, against the wall as the tattooed man walked casually down the hall away from you.

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