{9: The Truth.. sort of}

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Like the child you were, you slammed the door as you got into Namjoons car. He just rolled his eyes and climbed into the drivers seat.

"Who pissed in your tea?" He asked as he revved up the engine. You glared at him but he didn't look at you as he reversed out of his parking space and headed down the road.

"The dickhead beside me" you mutter under your breath but Namjoon heard.

"Hey, watch your mouth" he growls and you reluctantly shut up. As irritating as he may be this man was still dangerous. You hear Namjoon sigh heavily beside you.

"Seriously, (Y/N). Why are you so angry?" He asked. Your jaw nearly dropped open. Was he seriously that oblivious? Or just stupid?

"Are you seriously asking that? This is all your fault! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have to worry about this dumb shit" you snap and Namjoon has the nerve to look taken aback. As if your mini rant wasn't expected.

"Well I'm sorry you feel that way".

What. The. Fuck. You stare at him, hoping that you had heard wrong. Was he for real?

"Are you fucking kidding me? That's all you have to say? Like that's going to fix this. Unbe-fucking-lievable." You have to cut yourself short out of fear that you would say something offensive to him. The last thing you wanted was to end up dead.

"You know, for such a pretty thing, you sure have a foul mouth" he starts, taking a left turn, "but I don't know what you want me to say here. Don't underestimate who I am. So yes, I'm sorry you feel that way".

"Wow. You really are a dickhead".

"Watch it."

"Well I'm sorry you feel my language is inappropriate." You retort, sarcasm lacing your tone.

"It's not the language, it's who it's aimed at" he doesn't look at you but his voice deepens with authority. But you pay him no mind.

"Oh well I'm sorry, your highness" you were playing a dangerous game. You were angry at Namjoon but knew you couldn't take it too far. It was judging where too far was that was the hard part. Namjoons knuckles turned white against the steering wheel.

"Just shut it" he snaps and you do. You ignore him for the rest of the car journey. Or he ignores you. It could work either way. It's in the parking lot of your apartment complex that he finally turns to you.

"You want the truth? Well what do you want to know?"

"Who are you? I'm mean really - behind all the tattoo artist stuff?"

"My name is Kim Namjoon, as you already know. I'm 24 years old. I'm from Seoul, my family still live here but I haven't seen them in years. I own a business called RM incorporated. It mainly deals with things such as investments but that's just for show, you know in case someone comes snooping. But behind all that I work with insider trading, arms deals, drugs, other things. Don't bother looking it up, there's no trace of it on the internet, as far as the general public is concerned RM incorporated doesn't even exist. Which is why you can't go running your mouth." He warns sternly and you roll your eyes.

"I know I'm not stupid" you say and he gives you a look which you ignore, "so you're part of the mafia?"

He nods, "yes, I have my connections, my workers and lots of partners. I work with anyone who knows how to cash up." You nod slowly. It sounded simple enough.

"So what's up with this tattoo?"

"That's my trademark. Go to the docks and you'll see hundreds of boxes with that same mark." He shrugged.

"So it's your logo? Like the McDonalds M?" You managed to crack a smile as Namjoon gave you a dirty look.

"Oh fuck off" he said jokingly, rolling his eyes at you. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes.

"So why did you tattoo it onto me?" You asked and Namjoon gave a slight shrug.

"You picked it".

You glared at him. Really? This again?

"Well I didn't know that it would fucking tie me to the most annoying bloke I know!" You defend yourself and it was Namjoons turn to glare.

"Well boo-fucking-hoo. You're stuck with it now so you might as well get over it." He snapped at you.

"Fuck you" you spat, shoving open the car door and stomping out, slamming the hunk of metal into the car in your temper. You started stomping towards your apartment, ignoring Namjoons shouts that were coming from the car.

You felt a large hand, most presumably Namjoons, grab your elbow and tug you harshly backwards, "(Y/N)".

"Get the fuck off of me" you spit, trying to pull away.

"Just listen t-" 

"Hyung, she told you to get off of her".

The two of you turn to see Jungkook stood in the door way to your apartment building, his expression unreadable, hands shoved into his pockets.

"Mind your own damn business, Jungkook" Namjoon growls at the younger boy. Jungkook just glared.

"She is my business and she told you to let go, so let go" the younger boy didn't break his gaze from his elder, who was nearly red with anger.

"Whatever, Jungkook learn some respect" Namjoon shoved your arm roughly away from himself, "but we aren't finished" he growled at you. You and Jungkook watched as he made his way back to his car, getting in and starting it up and watched as he drove off into the night.

"Thanks Kookie" you break the silence but Jungkooks hard look doesn't leave his face. You frown, "umm, Jungkook?"

"What were you doing with Namjoon hyung?" He asked. You were startled at his cold exterior and could feel yourself getting nervous. Jungkook has never acted like this before, he was normally the happy-go-lucky friend, always a smile on his face.

"He gave me a lift home" you explained, scanning Jungkooks features for an emotion you recognised.

"From where? The police station?"

"No from some dude, Seokjins, house." Jungkook looks around before grabbing your cold hand with his warm one and leading you into your apartment. He sat you down on the couch next to him, but not before locking the door.

"What happened today (Y/N)? How are you involved with Namjoon?" He asked but you hesitate. Namjoon said you could go blabbing to anyone. That included Jungkook. And as much as you trusted him you would rather not end up dead in a ditch. However, Jungkook saw your hesitation and sighed, "Don't worry, I know about Namjoon hyungs... occupation."

With this news and a little more confidence you begin to tell Jungkook about your tattoo and the meaning behind it, about Yoongi, about being arrested and about Jin collecting you from the police station. You told him of everything that had happened since the moment you first stepped into that damn tattoo shop. By the end of recounting your story you were nearly in tears.

By now Jungkook had lost his cold personality and it had been replaced by his normal, warm one.

"Aw, honey" he cooed, pulling you into his arms for a hug. You couldn't help it as you sobbed ugly cries into his clean shirt or how you gripped onto him for dear life. You couldn't help the emotion pouring out of your mouth or the tears escaping your eyes, running down your cheeks.

This entire thing was way too overwhelming and, you realised, it had all caught up. You finally came to terms with how fucked you really were.

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