{16: Suits, Casinos and Fuck Boys}

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"Sup Bitches" the three of you look up to see a young man, a few years older  Hoseok, stood at the top of the stair case. He was dressed to suit casino life, a sharp black suit adorning his body. The only thing out of place was the yellow lensed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose and the tattoos curled around his throat. He was possibly the most gorgeous man you had seen in your life. He was tall, lanky but still had some muscle to him. His brown hair was short, as though it had recently been shaved off and he was in the process of growing it back, but long enough to style upwards. He had gorgeous, narrowed brown eyes and full, soft lips. He looked chill, but evidently had some edge to him.

"Hey Kris" Hoseok called up to the man, a large grin across his face. The man, Kris, hopped lightly down the rest of the stairs to embrace him in a hug.

"Hey how's it going brother?" Kris smirked at Namjoon, pulling him in for a hug as well, the two of them smacking each other's backs.

"Sup Kris" Namjoon grinned, releasing the elder man. Kris looked at you over the rim of his glasses giving you a wink.

"Well who are you gorgeous? I don't believe we've met" he held out his hand and you took it but instead of shaking your hand he pulled it up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on it. You blushed as he kept eye contact with you, a wide smile on his face.

"I-I'm (Y/N)"

"Well hello there, I'm Kris, this is my casino" he introduced himself, not noticing the dark look Namjoon gave him. He straightened up and turned to the two men again.

"So what can I help you gentlemen with?" He asked, he was clearly a man of business. Before Hoseok could say anything Namjoon started talking.

"We need your help but perhaps it would be better to talk somewhere a little more.. private" he eyed the litter of people around the room and Kris nodded.

"Of course, my office is this way" he turned to head back up the stairs, beckoning the three of you to follow him. The building was definitely one of luxury, with a marble staircase and expensive paintings gracing the walls. At the top of the stairs was a set of double doors which Kris pushed open with ease - despite how heavy they looked. Beyond the door was  a casino, much like one you would see in a James Bond movie.

You stood in the doorway, taking in the bright lights. The ceiling lights were turned down low, most of the light being emitted from the glowing slot machines.

Anyone who has ever been in a casino would be familiar with the colourful and unique environment. But it's one of those places that cameras are not allowed - or any electronic device someone could use to beat the system. But there you stood, forbidden phone in your back pocket. You thought that they would have asked you all to hand them in, but no one did.

The bouncers stood at the door, vigilant and cautious. Whatever their eyes miss the domes in the ceiling catch - cameras hidden within them. Most people don't even bother to look up but you do, your eyes immediately lock on to the black domes abound your head.

All sorts of cameras are hidden within those domes. They could be looking right at you, through you or even the insides of your pockets. They run high class facial recognition software to look for blacklisted people and suspicious activities.

The casino is filled with the constant undertone of slot machines. The sound was indescribable. It wasn't musical but not noise either. The background was almost robotic; filled with tinkles and clanks, the occasional beeping or snatch of music. The sound of a thousand slot machines being processed at once.

Barely anyone is talking. The gamblers are serious, the fate of their precious money in their hands. Most of the members have greying hair, all focused on their slot machines or cards tables.

They sit back, taking long drags on their cigarettes, before leaning forwards to play. They push buttons, pull levers. The days of mechanical machines are over. In a modern casino everything is electronic, flashing and beeping. In the centre, guarded by the rows of slot machines are the games. The classics such as blackjack, poker, roulette.

There the players talk but the sentences are short and far from standard chit chat. It was things like "Gimme another," "stand," "deal," and the tapping of the dealer raking the chips and dealing the cards.

There were hundreds of men, women, but barely anyone was smiling. A few angry faces littered the room but many were serious to match their gambling.
Whatever happens, there's always another round, another bet. The glowing buttons taunting the players into laying down their money.

There are some who can let it go, the new players who walking smiling, throwing down a twenty or two into a one-arm bandit. They are the ones who know better, and when their money is gone, they just smile and walk away.

But the majority in the room can't let it go, they make bet after bet. Gambling away their, most likely dirty, fortune. These people weren't having fun, they were doing what they needed to for their personal gain.

Kris led you across the plush red carpet, across the room and up another set of stairs. He opened the door to a wide room with a large glass window overlooking the casino, his fortune. Kris moved swiftly across the room, settling behind his desk and gesturing to the seats opposite. The three of you sit down, settling into the comfy chairs.

"Why are you here Joon?" Kris prompts and Namjoon sighs.

"It's Taehyung, he's been shot." At this Kris bolts upright.

"What? What happened?" Kris demanded and Namjoon went on to recount Taehyungs shooting and how you all have a meeting with Jiyong.

"Let me guess, you came here to gear up?" Kris asked and Namjoon gave a brisk nod.

"Well you're in luck, I've just finished up some projects" he stood up, heading to the left wall. At the push of a button the wall split open, revealing an array of odd items.

"Here, Hoseok. This is for you" Kris pulled a watch off of a stand and handed it to the younger.

"Umm thanks?" Hoseok said, unsure of what he was holding. You however rolled your eyes, how could he not know what that was? It was a stereotypical spy weapon.

"It's not a plain watch dumbass," Kris said exasperated, "it's got poisoned darts in it, just one is enough to kill a large bear, any human touching this is fucked."

Hoseoks mouth hung open in a surprised 'o'.

"Here, like this" Kris took it back and pressed the button on the side, aiming to the wall as a tiny, barely visible dart shot out, lodging itself in the wall. Kris handed the watch back to a more educated Hoseok before turning back to his array of toys.

"Namjoon, here" Kris handed him a cigarette lighter. It wasn't a modern one, it was one of the square ones that you flipped open. "If you go to light it, don't do it now, you have around ten seconds to throw it before it explodes. Be very careful with it please" Kris ordered. Namjoon nodded inspecting the device.

Lastly Kris turned to you, holding out what looked like lipstick. You reach out and take it from him, attempting to calm your shaking hands.

"If you open it up and twist it a sharp dagger should come out. I think you need a little protection" Kris commented as you slowly twisted the lipstick, watching as the blade emerged out the top.

"Um, thanks Kris" you say, pocketing the device.

"No problem babes" he winked. After that you stood to the side as Kris continued to supply Namjoon with all sorts of hidden weapons. At one point you could've sworn you saw dress shoes with blades on the toes. Seems like these men were not afraid to fight dirty.

By the time Kris was leading you back to the lobby the boys had a large bag full.

"I wish you luck guys, and if you ever need any help - you know where to find me" Kris gave the three of you parting hugs. He had offered to come to the meeting but Namjoon heavily declined, not wanting his friend in unnecessary danger.

"Thanks Kris. I'll talk to you again soon" Namjoon shook hands with the elder before leading you and Hoseok back to the car.

As you trailed behind them the lipstick in your pocket started to feel rather heavy.

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