{22: Allies}

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"Why are you helping us?"

Namjoon leaned forwards on the couch towards Jinwoo, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. Jinwoo leaned forwards as well, resting his forearms on his thighs.

"Shouldn't you be saying thank you?" He replied, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you" Namjoon replies shortly, "but why?"

"I think that Jiyong needs a change of tune, don't you?" Jinwoo turned serious, a frown contorting his face.

"I have worked for Jiyong for five years now, never really caring for his actions, not realising the effect he had on people. He just takes and takes" Jinwoo glared at his clasped hands, and the other men looked at him cautiously.

"Jinwoo" Yoongi started, "Did you loose someone to Jiyong?"

At the smaller mans question Jinwoo looked up, relaxing his clenched fingers, the colour flooding back to them. He sighed, looking up at Namjoon, sorrow filling his gaze.

"He had Minho killed.." Jinwoo hung his head in his hands.

"Jinwoo.. I'm so sorry. I know how much Minho meant to you" Namjoon placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"So now you know.. we need to get started, we don't have much time" Jinwoo dipped his head at Namjoon in respect, although he didn't say anything Namjoon knew it was his way of saying thank you.

"Right, lets get (Y/N) back" he stated, standing up and heading to the table.

The group of men all moved to join him, each as desperate as the next for all of this to end, once and for all.


"Jay, are you okay?" Jackson asked his partner, glancing at the elder. Jay sat in the drivers seat of the car, his hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were white. He breathed in deeply, not looking Jackson in the eyes.

"Jackson.. do you trust me?" He asked, eyes never leaving the road.

"Of course I trust you- Jay, What the fuck is going on man?" Jackson asked, staring at his elder who seemed to have gone mad whilst driving down the highway.

"I know where Jiyong is, and he's got a hostage so you gotta trust me" Jay slammed down on the brake harshly as they neared a red light, causing Jackson to jolt forwards.

"Jiyong? A hostage, wait who?" He choked out once he had his breath back.

Jay hesitated before answering, "(Y/N)".

"(Y/N)?? Jay, we gotta call for backup man" he started.

"No!" Jay snapped and Jackson flinched away from his partner.

"Shit, I'm sorry Jackson. But we have to do this on our own, Jiyong would flip if he saw that many police cars and (Y/N) would be dead before we even walked in the door" Jay turned his gaze away from Jackson as the light once again turned green.

"How do you know he has (Y/N)? And where he is?" Jay asked, his partner again refusing to look at him.

"(Y/N) called me, she's in danger Jackson and I've got to save her" They were leaving the city now, the car racing along the deserted roads.

"Why Jay? Why have you got to save her? Surely we should just call the professional extraction team?" Jackson argued but Jay shook his head.

"No, it's too risky. It's got to be me."

"Stop playing hero Jay, it doesn't need to be you- you're going to get yourself or her hurt, maybe even killed" Jackson retorted.

"Jiyong wouldn't dare, he wouldn't hurt me or her if he knew I was there for her- not that he would think that" Jay said as the car pulled to a stop. They were parked a few metres away from what looked like an abandoned warehouse. They only indication of life was the dim glow of light escaping the cracks in the walls.

Mob Mentality//Namjoon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now