{20: Promises}

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You woke up in a dark room. You didn't know how long you had been asleep nor how long you had been awake. You could feel your wrists bound painfully behind the chair which you were sat in, your feet also tied. The chair in question was uncomfortable, the cool surface hard underneath you, most probably metal of some sort. The room you were in was slightly cold and smelled damp, you couldn't tell the size of the room due to the darkness but you guessed it was large and open due to the slight breeze running through it.
You shivered, goosebumps rising on your skin.

You jumped at a sudden bang, the sound of a door being thrown open and suddenly all the lights turned on. You blinked quickly, your eyes taking a minute to adjust to the brightness. You were right about the size of the room, it was humongous. It had to be a warehouse of some sort, the large metal walls being a dead giveaway.

You looked up to see Kwon Jiyong stood in front of you, a small smirk painting his face. You narrowed your eyes at him, giving your restraints a desperate tug, this man was dangerous. A small group of his men stood a few feet behind him, whispering amongst themselves, all eyes on you. At the front stood Seung-hyun, a hard expression, common to him on his face.

"Hello gorgeous" at the sound of his sultry voice you hesitantly turned your attention back to Jiyong.

"What do you want?" You asked, trying not to seem as scared as you felt. Jiyongs look was smug as he disregarded your question.

"I've been looking forward to meeting you, Miss (L/N). Of course, I never would have dreamed Namjoon would've brought you to the meeting. He made everything so easy for me" he scoffed. You glowered at him.

"I was interested to see the type of woman who was so easily able to wrap Mr Kim around her little finger. So c'mon gorgeous, what's the secret?" He was taunting you, it was clear and no matter how hard you tried to ignore it, his sharp words still got to you.

"There's no secret" you splutter out and Jiyong crouches in front of you, slender fingers holding your chin up so you have no choice but to look at him.

"Look gorgeous. I've known Namjoon a long time. I've known Mr Jeon a long time. There's got to be something about you to make him and Jeons kid this infatuated with you" he smirked.

"Why are you doing this?" Your voice trembles slightly and you hope Jiyong didn't notice. Jiyong stood upright, his finger tracing from your chin down to your collar bone.

"Namjoon needs to pay his dues" he raised an eyebrow at you "he thought he could steal my money and get away with it. Well let me tell you darling, he's an idiot on a fools path."

"So this is all for money?" You snort, "and dirty money no doubt."

"Listen gorgeous" he leaned forwards, his forehead nearly touching yours, a smug smile painting his lips, "in this world there is no such thing as good or bad money, clean or dirty money. There's just money."

He stayed there for a moment, his devilish eyes burning into your soul and you nearly shiver at the intensity of his stare. As the tension built he straightened himself, brushing nonexistent dust of his suit.

"It's nothing personal gorgeous, it's just business" With that he turned, leading the men out of the room. The last to leave was seung-hyun. As your eyes caught his you shot him a silent plead. Please, let him be kind enough to get you out of this mess. But the ravenette gave his head a small shake, turning and following his best friend out the room.


You scanned the room. The vast, grey walls stood bare, protecting the empty room from the outside world. About ten feet away from you was a large, oak table, extravagant chairs littered around it. Your gaze nearly just skimmed over it, but a small black object caught your eye. It was a phone.

But this had to be some sort of booby trap. They were top of the range killers and criminals. They wouldn't be that stupid as to leave a perfectly good phone in the same room as their captive. Or maybe they highly underestimated you. Whatever it was, it was worth the shot.

You twisted in your seat, trying to flick your jacket behind you, the fabric barely moving. You tried again and again until, finally, the fabric swung right around, and you gripped the corner in your finger tips. With much difficulty you managed to unzip the pocket, rooting around until your fingers curled around what you were looking for.

You retracted your hand from your pocket, popping off the lid of your lipstick. You gave the body a twist, the small, silver blade emerging. As you started to saw away at your restraints you sent a silent thanks to Kris, that man was a genius. If you ever got out of here, you decided, you would definitely be buying him a round at your local pub.

With a quiet snap your restraints fell away from your wrists, all the blood rushing back to your hands. You shook them out, attempting to make the feeling come back to them. Hurriedly you continue to saw away at the ropes on your ankles, silently praying no one would come in.

Legs trembling, you got to your feet and hurried towards the table. As you scooped up the phone in your trembling fingers you paused. Who would you call? Namjoon? Jin? You couldn't remember their numbers.

Jackson? That would be smart but could also be dangerous. Besides you didn't have his number. But you could call the police. Despite the danger that could put you and Namjoon in, it was your only option.

With quivering hands you punched the numbers into the tiny device, the tiny beeps deafening. You held the device to your ear, listening to the dull ringing.

"Hello, this the police department. What's your emergency?" You recognised that voice. It belonged to Jackson's partner Jay, who wasn't exactly your biggest fan. You swallowed nervously.

"Jay? It's (y/n). Is Jackson there? I really need to speak to him" you whisper and Jay sounds confused.

"No he's out right now. Are you okay (Y/N)? Why are you whispering?" He asked, sounding completely different to the last time the two of you met.

"I've been kidnapped, Jay I need your help. Please?" You beg and you hear his  feet shuffle as he hurried to grab a pen.

"Alright (Y/N). I need you to tell me exactly what happened. Who kidnapped you, do you know?" He asked and you paused, deciding to skip his first statement.

"It's Kwon Jiyong" you say and Jay went silent. When Jay didn't say anything you had to double check that you hadn't accidentally hung up or something.

"Jay? Are you still there?"

"Yeah I'm here" you finally hear him say and let out a sigh of relief, "are you sure it's him? He's a top level criminal, not a random kidnapper (Y/N)"

"It's him Jay I swear" you say and you hear him exhale slowly.

"Okay (Y/N). I want you to stay on the phone with me as long as possible okay? I'm going to get Jackson and then we are going to get help. Do you understand?" Jay said professionally and you nod, even though he can't see you.


"Okay. Can you describe to me where you are?" He asked and you proceeded to describe your surroundings, the inside of what you presumed to be a warehouse, all whilst keeping an ear open for the sound of anyone approaching.

"(Y/N). I will find you, I promise" Jay said quietly. You opened your mouth to reply but the sound of approaching footsteps stopped you.

"Jay I gotta go" you say, ignoring his protests as you pulled the phone away from you ear, ending the call and hurrying in the opposite direction to the door.

For the sake of your life, you hoped Jay could keep his promise.

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