{13: The Blame Game}

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Park Jimin felt like shit. He paced his office, harshly gripping at his hair. He had just gotten off the phone with Hoseok.

He let out a strangled sob, voice cracking. Whilst he was sat here, fucking about.. he could barely think of it. He sank to the floor in the centre of the room, sobs shaking his body harshly. Jimin very rarely got this upset. He let out a loud cry, punching the chair next to him. It gave out a loud bang as it fell to the floor.

The door was kicked open harshly as Yoongi burst in hurriedly, looking for any signs of an attack. He saw Jimin on the floor and rushed forwards, cradling the younger in his arms. He held Jimin head to his chest, softly stroking his hair.

"Hey baby, what's wrong hmm? What's got you like this then?" Yoongi asked gently once Jimins sobbing had slowed slightly.

"T-Taehyung" Jimin choked out, a new wave of tears threatening to spill. Yoongi looked at him questioningly.

"What about Taehyung?"

"H-he's been shot."


Jin walked out into the living room not long after Namjoon returned. Since he came back you and him had barely looked at each other. You felt guilty. You could've stopped him. You should have stopped him. You dreaded to think about what he could've done. What you could've prevented.

Namjoon, on the other hand, felt far from guilty. He was right, it had given him piece of mind. Yet, he couldn't look you in the face. He couldn't look into your eyes without that foreign feeling pooling in his stomach.

Thankfully, before Namjoon returned Hoseok had appeared, sitting next to you on Jins sofa and holding your hand comfortingly. Just Hoseoks presence seemed to calm you down but the normally smiling man had an unrecognisable expression on his face. That made you uncomfortable to say the least, it was very rare for Hoseok to be shocked.

At some point Yoongi and a man you had never seen before showed up. You were shocked to see Yoongi to say the least. You thought he was one of Namjoons enemies, but surprisingly when Namjoon saw the pair he gave a grim nod and turned away. So maybe they weren't as adverse as you initially thought.

The most surprising visitor of them all though, was Jungkook. The second he stepped through the door you let out a sharp gasp. What the hell was he doing here? This just further confirmed your suspicions of him being involved. Well shit.

"Good news first" Jin clapped his hands together, "Taehyung is stable. I removed the bullets and stitched up his wounds. He's on some very strong drugs right now so I'm not expecting him to wake up any time soon."

"And the bad news?" Hoseok inquired, everyone looking to him then back to Jin expectantly.

"I don't know how long he will stay stable" Jin sighed, "it is very likely he will wake up within the next few days and return to his normal self. However, there is also the possibility that - if his condition deteriorates - he will never wake up".

You felt sick. And by the looks of it so did everyone else. What if he never woke up? Or what if he woke up and wasn't himself? Or had poor quality of life? You couldn't bear to think of it.

"This is all your fault" came a sniffle from the back of the room. Everyone turned to look at Jimin but the small brunette was looking straight at Namjoon.

"Oh no" the tallest growled, "you cannot pin this on me Park. You know full well that if this is anyone's fault - its yours."

"You, Kim Namjoon, are the reason Taehyungie is in there - fighting for his life. Don't try and turn this shit on me" Jimin snarled at the elder man.

"I'm not turning anything on you. Did you think, just for one second, that if it wasn't for you Taehyung wouldn't be caught up in any of this at all?" Namjoon glared, his brows furrowed.

"If you hadn't aggravated Kwon fucking Jiyong then we wouldn't be having this conversation right now" Jimin yelled, pushing Yoongi off of him to square up to Namjoon.

"Face it Park, we would be having this conversation sooner or later - no matter who aggravated who" Namjoon snarled. He and Jimin were inches away from each other, nearly nose to nose and glaring intensely at each other.

"Fuck you, Namjoon. You're so fucking full of yourself, nothings ever your fault is it? You're an arrogant twat and you know it!" Jimin yelled up at Namjoon.

"Just watch who you are talking to" Namjoon snarled and before things could escalate Yoongi pulled Jimin back as Hoseok reached for Namjoons arm.

"Both of you need to calm down," Hoseok ordered, "I don't care who's fault it is - if anyone's it's both of yours. There is more than one factor at work here. So both of you stop playing the blame game - it's childish."

Once Hoseok finished his rant the two men sulk off to opposite ends of the room. Hoseok gives them both a stern look before sitting back down next to you.

"Hoseok," You tug on his sleeve, "What were they arguing about?" You couldn't help it. You were nosy. Hoseok looked down at you, comfortingly squeezing your hand.

"Oh right, I forgot you didn't know" he said glancing at Namjoon, who had come to sit on the other side of you.

"It's important to remember that we weren't always like this. We weren't always dabbling in illegal activities and covered in ink" Hoseok started. "Taehyung was just like you, an ordinary college student, just like Namjoon was. He lived a normal life, had a family, a future."

"He just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time" Jimin chimed in, his voice nearly breaking. "He saw me kill someone and I had no clue what to do, so I turned my gun on him. He didn't beg for his life, he didn't do anything. I was so scared, I just couldn't pull the trigger. He left that alleyway alive, and with me."

"A few weeks later Taehyung had dropped out of college, cut off communication with his family and was working for Jimin" Hoseok continues as more tears fall down Jimins face.

"But it was getting dangerous. People were starting to catch on, people knew who Taehyung was. I knew if I didn't get him out of there he would be killed. I got him out, gave him proper training, and now he works for me. But Tae will always be more than that - to all of us" Namjoon finished.

"Taehyung is what brought all of together tonight. He always has. He never held grudges or hated on anyone. He means something to all of us, a friend to anyone who wants him." Hoseok wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"So we cant loose him. Not now, not ever."

A few hours later most of the men had fallen asleep, on the floor, on a chair, wherever they fit. You were laid on the sofa you were sharing with Hoseok. Namjoon has gotten up and left the room about an hour ago. Jin was with Taehyung. Jimin was curled up in Yoongis lap in Jins armchair. Jungkook was missing with Namjoon. You were thinking.

You were thinking about what all these men had said about Taehyung. They all had a connection with him in some way and so did you. So you knew.

You just couldn't loose Taehyung.

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