{7: Good cop, Bad cop - can this get any more clichè?}

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A/N: I just wanted to apologise for the quality of this chapter. I had originally written over half of this chapter but it completely disappeared. I was so devastated that all my hard work was gone that I didn't have the heart to properly write this but I tried my best, so here you go boo xx

It was safe to say that you weren't faring too well in the police station. You had been there for a few hours, Officer Park refusing to let you go. As soon as you had set foot in the building the two men had confiscated your belongings - including your phone and whisked you into a small, square room. It was plain concrete with no windows and a large metal door. A metal table, complete with matching chairs, sat in the centre of the room, not unlike the ones you see in classic cop movies.

Very quickly you were able to differentiate between the two men, who seemed to be playing the roles of good cop, bad cop. Officer Park and Officer Wang, who's names you overheard to be Jay and Jackson, could not be anymore different yet so alike at the same time. The latter of the two was acting as the obvious role of good cop and Jay as bad cop.

Jay had a tight grip on your upper arm as the dragged you across the room, throwing you harshly into the cold, hard chair. Jackson frowned at his partners actions.

"There's no need to be so harsh hyung, we don't know if she's done anything wrong yet" he scolded the older man.

"She's done enough" Jay growled lowly causing Jackson to roll his eyes profusely. Jackson pulled out the chair opposite you, the metal dragging roughly along the concrete floor. He sat down, slapping a brown file on the table in front of you. He stares at you before flipping open the file and spinning it around so you can see. You look down slowly, shocked at the photo staring back.

"Miss (Y/L/N), do you recognise the people in this picture" Jackson asked politely. You nod your head. You did. Because it was a photo of you. Outside of RM tattoos the night before. With Namjoon at your side, fingers tight around your arm.

"Can you tell me who is in this photo with you?" He asked, eyes soft.


"No (Y/N), his real name" Jackson said firmly.
You don't know what compelled you to lie to him. It was almost like you subconsciously knew it would put Namjoon in danger.

"I don't know his real name" you lie. As soon as the words leave your mouth Jay slams his fist down on the table if front of you. You flinch away from his hand.

"Bullshit" he growls, "tell the truth".

"I am" you retort, attempting to at least feign confidence. Jays anger finally gets the best of him as he reaches over, grabbing your wrist tightly, fingers digging painfully into the flesh of your arm.

"Let go" you hiss in pain but his fingers dig in even more.

"Tell the truth" he repeats, his voice shaking with anger.

"I've told you, I don't know his real name" you try to pull your hand away from his grasp but Jays anger lashes out and he throws your hand down on the table, hard. You let out a yelp of pain and Jackson scowled at his colleague.

"Jay that's enough! I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room" He scolds his elder. Jays eyes narrow at the younger boy.

"B-but I'm your hyung, you can't do that!" He protests but Jackson gives him a firm look.

"Officer Park, I have asked you to leave the room" he tells his elder, voice dripping with authority. Jay scowled at  him, then gave you one last glare before slipping out of the room. You say there, cradling your now injured hand as Jackson shot you a sympathetic look.

"Look (Y/N), you seem like a good person, I very much doubt that you are involved with these people.. but just in case here-" he handed you a bright blue business card "this is my personal number. If you are ever in any trouble, please give me a call". Jackson gave you a small smile which you, surprisingly, returned. Jackson stood up and headed towards the door.

"I'll send someone in with some ice for your hand in a minute" he said before leaving the room. After you were given ice it was at least another hour before you saw any sign of human life. A loud bang sounded throughout the room, making you jump nearly ten feet. Once you regained your posture you looked towards the door as it was pushed slowly open to reveal Jackson.

"Miss (Y/L/N), your boyfriend is here to get you" he beckons you to follow him out the room. You stand up hurriedly, still cradling your hand. Boyfriend? There was no way Namjoon had come to get you, that would just be stupid. So who was there? Jungkook maybe. Or perhaps Taehyung even.

Jackson led you to the front of the station and disappeared behind the desk to retrieve your belongings. The man stood to the side of the desk was one you had never seen before. Your eyes continued to scan the empty room.

"Babe, are you okay?" The stranger at the desk called. You checked around you, there was no one else in the room. Was this a joke? He reached forwards, intertwining your fingers and pulling you in for a hug. His lips lightly grazed your ear as he whispered;

"Play along."

"What so we're just going to let her go?" You heard Jay snap at Jackson as the two walk back to the front desk. Jackson hands you your things whilst sending a death glare in Jays direction.

"Officer, I have had a stressful day at the hospital and I would really appreciate it if we could be on our way" the strangers grip on your hand tightened.

"Look Dr Kim has come to collect her and she hasn't done anything wrong, she's free to go" Jackson tells the older boy, giving the man holding you a warm, polite smile. Jay glared harshly at you and you shied away from the burn of his gaze.

"Thank you Officer, I'll be taking (Y/N) out of your hair now so there is no need to worry further." The brunette beside you smiled, squeezing your hand lightly.

"No problem Doc, sorry for the inconvenience" Jackson grinned as the man holding you picked up your bag. He gave the police officers one last polite nod before gracefully walking out the door, pulling you after him in quite a less graceful manner.

The stranger led you to his car, which looked very expensive, and opened the door for you. Once you were both seated in the car the brunette turned to you. As he took in your face he couldn't help but notice the scared expression on your features. That practically screamed the fact that you weren't involved.

"Who are you?" You ask as he pushes the key into the ignition, starting up the car. He glanced at you as he pulled out of his parking space.

"My name is Kim Seokjin, but most people just call me Jin. I'm.. a friend of Namjoons" he introduces and you look at him quizzically.

"You sound unsure" you say and he nods slowly.

"I'm not really sure how to explain it to be honest. Well im a doctor" he attempted to explain and you raised a shocked eyebrow at him.

"Really?" You figured he had lied to the police about that, assuming he was wrapped up in the same trouble as Namjoon.

"Yes, I met Namjoon about four years ago. It was by chance, one of his men was injured and being the naïve young doctor I offered to help. Then I found out who Namjoon actually was. Despite being scared I agreed to help him when needed, off the records of course" he explained further and you nodded slowly.

"Why off the record?" You ask and Jin answers, never taking his eyes of the road.

"Well I don't anyone to see I've got ties with the mafia, do I?"


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