{6: All bark, no bite}

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The brunette hummed happily, swinging round in the spinning desk chair. A small smirk laced his lips as he stared at the photo on his computer screen. He was waiting patiently for his hyung to come home.

He was happy. Happy because you of all people seemed to be making his life a lot more interesting. He could see what Yoongi had meant by you not being the hooker type. You were pretty, which was more than he could say for most of the women that clung to Namjoon. You held yourself in a different manner to them, you definitely had some sort of self worth about you. Which begs the brunette to question, what on earth were you doing with Kim Namjoon? He shook his head slightly, his mind filled with all sorts of questions about the girl in the photo.

His brown hair was disheveled, sticking out in all directions. His bright red dress pants were still clinging to his legs and he wore a white shirt that stopped halfway down his forearms. His playful persona did not match his smart attire in the slightest but most people would be fools to think that meant he couldn't get the job done. He was one of those men, the known by few, feared by many type. He revelled in the feeling of it, the feeling of power. Not many people would dare to challenge him.

"Oh Namjoonie~" he sang happily, his gaze still on the photo of you and the tattooed man.

"What have you gotten yourself into?"


You sped down the street, bag making all sorts of noises as it jumped around on your back. You were so late. After your late night last night of course you had slept in, causing you to be late to your 9am class.

"Fuck fuck fuck" you cursed, nearly tripping over your own feet.

"I never expected a pretty thing like you to use such foul language".

You shit yourself.

"Who the fuck are you?" You demand, shooting a look at the red haired man, leaning against the wall of the alleyway. You looked at him closer. To say he was attractive was the understatement of the year. He was gorgeous, ivory skin stretched over his features, tattoos gracing his body. Choppy reddish brown hair dusted his forehead.

You didn't even have time to react as he reached forwards, his slender fingers laced around your wrist tugging you towards him. He spun you round, pulling your arm away from the two of you. His other arm snaked around your waist pining your free arm down. He pulled you in close, his chest against your back, his lips grazing your ear.

"My name, sweetheart, is Yoongi." His voice was low, sultry. You shivered, feeling his breath  on your neck. The hand around your waist slipped down slowly so it could grip at the back of your thighs. A gasp left your lips, barely audible. But Yoongi heard it.

"Don't worry sweetheart. I'm only here to warn you." He murmured.

"Warn me?" You question. You feel the redhead nod against your neck.

"That if you know what's good for you, you would stay away from Namjoon. He's bad news for a girl like you." His voice is serious and you try to turn and look at him, confused.

"What do you me-" you start but you are cut off.

"Yoongi hyung". The two of you look up to see Taehyung.

"Tae" Yoongi pulled away from you, keeping his fingers wrapped tightly around your wrist.

"What are you doing here, hyung?" Tae asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Just talking to (y/n) here. She's quite the little cutie" he flashed a gummy grin in Taehyungs direction. Taehyung just rolled his eyes.

"Just beat it hyung. You know what Namjoon will be like if he sees you." Taehyung said. It was Yoongis turn to roll his eyes.

"Oh Namjoon needs to loosen up" he scoffed but let go of your wrist. Taehyung beckoned you over to him and you quickly complied, running to his side. Taehyung placed a large hand on the base of your back as Yoongi continued talking.

"Seriously Tae, can't have any fun with him around. But then again, what's that grump gonna do? Complain me to death?"

Taehyung smirked.

"Just scram hyung" He said and Yoongi gave one last wink before slinking off into the shadows. You turn to Taehyung, one eyebrow raised.

"Who was he?"

"Oh don't mind Yoongi hyung. He's all bark and no bite, he just enjoys fucking with people. Especially Namjoon" he replied, starting to walk in the direction of your class - his hand still on the small of your back.

"What are you doing here Tae?" You ask and he glances down at you.

"I came to see if you were ok. Have you talked to Namjoon yet?" He asked but you shook your head.

"I went to see him last night but he just said we would talk about it today instead so I probably won't be seeing him." You shrug, a frown plastered on your face. You knew you didn't have the guts to call him. You knew you were in some deep trouble, Yoongi having just confirmed that.

"Look, worst comes to the worst I'll tell you what you want to know, okay? He can't hide it from you forever. You can call me anytime hun." Tae smiled at you and you can't stop yourself smiling back. He was too cute.

"Thanks Tae, I just can't help but feel like this is some deep shit right now. I don't know how to get out of this" you say and you are surprised to see pity in his eyes when you look up. His expression is one that isn't foreign to his face. He normally felt pity to people he met on the job. It was a part of his life now and he had almost learnt to ignore it. But it was different with you. He knew you didn't deserve this.

You had your whole life ahead of you. You were young, you were in college, you had a life. But Namjoon had dragged you into their world. And Taehyung knew that their world was one you couldn't easily leave. Once you were in you were never truly out. He wanted to apologise to you, on the behalf of Namjoon. But he knew thats not what you wanted to hear. You didn't want any more pity.

It was then he saw the uniform clad men making their way towards the two of you. He turned to you, giving you a quick hug.

"Look I gotta run, text me later?" He said, not waiting for your nod before slipping away from you and away from the police officers heading your way. You carried on walking, barely paying any mind to the policemen. As you went to pass them one shot out their arm, blocking your path. He was tall, dark and handsome, tattoos covering the arm in front of your eyes.

"Are you Miss (Y/L/N)?" He asked and you gave a small nod, trying not to panic. What on earth did the police want from you?!

"I'm officer Park, this is officer Wang. We would like to ask that you come to the station with us to answer a few questions, is that okay?" He said in a deep voice. You gulped nodding as they led you back to the cop car parked on the curb.

Unknown to you and the police duo, Taehyung watched the three of you from inside a nearby building. He wasn't about to just up and leave you with the police. He frowned as he watched you get marched off and pulled his phone from his pocket, dialling his hyungs number.


"Namjoon. We have a problem. (Y/N)'s been arrested."

"What? By who?" Namjoon demanded loudly causing Taehyung to pull the phone away from his ear for a few seconds.

"Jay Park and Jackson Wang" Taehyung recited the all too familiar names, they left a bitter taste in his mouth. He heard a distant 'fuck' on the other end of the phone.

"Well Taehyung, looks like we are going to have to call the cavalry" Namjoon sighed and Taehyungs ears prick up.


"Yeah. It's time to call Jin hyung."

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