{19: Ransom notes}

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It was silent. Eerily silent. It was as if a black hole had come along and sucked up all of the worlds sounds. The day that happened would be the end of the world. The phrase 'silence is deafening' had not rung more true than in this moment. Because for Namjoon, everything was silent. He couldn't hear Jiyongs grunts of pain as his fist connected with his face. He couldnt hear the shouts of agony and panic from the other men in the room. He couldn't hear the venomous comments Jiyong spat at him with a mouth full of blood. He couldn't hear Yoongi, who had since returned, yelling that they needed to go. He couldn't hear anything.

It was only when Hoseok grabbed his arm that the leader stopped his assault on Jiyong. Then the voices started to come in as the adrenaline left his body.



"...get up..."


"..we gotta.."

"Namjoon, get your ass up! We gotta go" Hoseok snapped, yanking him up by his bicep. Namjoon snapped out of his trance looking at his elder then back down at Jiyong. Both men looked rough.

"Go on Namjoon. Run along" Jiyong smirked, blood dribbling down his chin. Namjoon spat his last mouthful of blood at the mob boss before turning and leading his men out of the building.

They ran quickly, not wanting to get caught in anymore of Jiyongs traps. Thankfully, after many twisting stairs and corridors they made it out of the building, all rushing back to Hoseoks van.

"Hey uhh, guys?" Jungkook looked worried as they all filed in. The other men looked at the youngest expectantly.

"Where's (Y/N)?" He asked and all eyes turned towards a tired looking Yoongi.

"Don't ask me, I got caught in a fight halfway through getting us out, I told her to run" he said and worry started to settle in Namjoons stomach.

"Maybe she got a taxi back to Jins?" Jimin suggested half heartedly.

"I swear down, if that idiot got caught" Namjoon growled, moving to stand up. Hoseok grabbed his arm pulling the younger man back down.

"And what are you gonna do if she did? Charge in there - no gun, no protection and demand he gives her back? The both of you would be dead the moment you stepped in the door" he snorted.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Namjoon snapped.

"Lets go back to Jins, check he and Taehyung are ok, make sure (Y/N) definitely isn't there and then come up with a plan" Hoseok said strategically.

Namjoon huffed in annoyance, slumping down in the chair, a guttural sound leaving him.

The drive to Jins apartment was full of fear and anxiety. No one knew what they would find. Worst case scenario? Jin, Taehyung and (Y/N) were all dead.

Finally Hoseok pulled into the parking lot and the four men hesitantly exited the vehicle. They slowly made their way up the stairs, pushing into Jins apartment without knocking.

There was Jin. Sat on the sofa, reading the newspaper. His glasses were balanced on the end of his nose. He glanced up to see the group of men and frowned.

"Where's (Y/N)?" He asked, all the boys in front of him looking guilty.

"Please don't tell me you lost her" he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration as he glared at them.

"Is Taehyung safe? Was anyone here?" Namjoon demanded, hoping his thoughts wouldn't be true.

"No ones been here Namjoon, what are you on about? Where's (Y/N)?" The eldest started to loose his patience.

"Goddamn it!" Namjoon punched the door frame before leaning against it in despair, "he played us. That motherfucker knew just how to play us."

"Well shit" Hoseok muttered, "it was a distraction, they wanted us to get riled up."

All the men glanced at each other. That was Kwons plan all along. Agitate them, get them riled up, distract them - so he could take what he wanted. Right from under their noses.

Silence settled amongst the men, uncomfortable and deafening. No one dared speak the horrifying truth, that would make it all the more real.

Finally Jungkook let out a choked sob, filled with despair. The maknae fell to his knees, the tears flowing down his cheeks, hot and thick. He couldn't form words, hiccups escaping his throat every so often between his choked cries. Jimin moved to comfort him, crouching down and rubbing soothing circles into his back.

"It's okay Kookie" he murmured, "we'll get her back." Jungkook gave a distressed shake of his head.

"But what if we don't? What if Jiyong hurts her? Or worse?" Jungkook said dejectedly, "I could never forgive myself."

"It's not your fault Jungkookie" Jimin tries but Jungkook just shook his head.

"You don't understand hyung, it is my fault" Jungkook looked down at his hands. Jimin and Namjoon exchanged concerned looks but neither spoke. They both understood what Jungkook was going through.

Then a loud ringing sounded throughout the room, prompting everyone to search their pockets. Finally, from Namjoons pocket he drew out his phone, screen glowing, a high pitched ring emitting from the speakers. He answered it, pressing the device to his ear with a gruff "hello?"

"Kim Namjoon" Jiyongs voice sounded, the room quiet enough for everyone to hear, "didn't you forget something?"

"Forget what?"

"Your whore" Jungkook clenched his fist at Jiyongs words but Namjoon silenced him with a look.

"I don't recall" he relplied, feigning nonchalance.

"Don't play dumb Kim. I know exactly who she is."

"Please, enlighten me"

"I knew who she was as soon as those pictures were released to the police. Did you really think I wouldn't find out? Plus I think you forget Mr Jeon is a close friend of mine"

Jimin looked guilty at the mention of his work and Jungkook looked shellshocked at the mention of his father.

"So? She has no proper relevance to me"

"Then explain this tattoo I saw. It's your mark, if I'm not mistaken" Jiyong mused. Namjoon mentally cursed.

"Just tell me what you want Kwon" Namjoon demanded.

"I want my money back."

"Is that it?" Namjoon snorted.

"C'mon Kim. Don't be naïve. Pay for her life. Then maybe we'll be straight." Jiyong chuckled.

"How much?" Namjoon asked, gritting his teeth. Jiyongs voice was muffled as he read aloud the amount and immediately Namjoons eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Do you think money grows on trees Kwon? If you actually worked for yours you'd realise how much that is" Namjoon growled.

"Not my problem. That money better be in my account by this time tomorrow or me and your little (Y/N) will be having some down time. Won't we gorgeous?" Namjoon heard him add of distantly. She was there, she was in the room.

"Is (Y/N) there?? Put her on the phone" he demanded, causing Jiyong to laugh.

"You need to learn some manners" he said before the line went dead. Namjoon slowly let his arm drop. No one said a word, all fearing what would happen to girl in Jiyongs clutches.

"We gotta give him that money Joon" Hoseok said finally.

"You think I don't know that? But where the hell am I supposed to get that money from? It's gonna take me a lot longer to get the money from where I put it" Namjoon said, sinking into his chair with his head in his hands.

"I'll get the money" Jungkook stated and all eyes turned on him.

"And just where do you plan on getting twenty million pounds? In less than twenty four hours might I add" Namjoon asked him and Jungkook turned his gaze to him.

"From my father."

Mob Mentality//Namjoon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now