{17: Story Time With Bangtan}

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Back at Jins, Yoongi and Jimin both excitedly rummaged through the bag of weapons. Yoongi sighed heavily as he held up a collection of heavy, jagged rings.

"This is why I love Kris."

"Hey!" Jimin pinched him and Yoongi pouted at him, rubbing his arm.

"You know I love you more" he whined and Jimin rolled his eyes, continuing to search the weapons. It was just the three of you, Namjoon and Hoseok went to check on Taehyung the moment they got back.

"So are you two like togther?" You ask and the two men stop their rummaging to look at you. The look at each other and then back to you.

"Well, yeah" Yoongi gives you a gummy smile. You melt at that.

"Relationships can be complicated for people like us (Y/N). We never know who to trust" Jimin adds softly.

Yoongi nods, "plus if someone's out to get us they could always attack our partner so we usually stick to being alone."

"But I know Yoongi hyung can take care of himself" Jimin commented.

"I never realised it would be so hard for you to date" you said. It had never crossed your mind that they would have limitations like that.

"(Y/N), Hoseoks last girlfriend was murdered by an opposing gang member. Namjoon never forgave himself for that. In the whole time I've known him he's never had a girlfriend, the only women around him were prostitutes or his friends girlfriends." Yoongi placed a hand on your shoulder comfortingly, "that's why he's so protective of you, Hoseok too."

Seems like you didn't give these boys enough credit.

"Look (Y/N), I just want to say that I'm sorry" Jimin started and you threw him a confused look. What did he have to be sorry for?

"I'm the one who sold the photos of you and Namjoon to the police," Oh that's what, "I swear I didn't mean anything by it - I was just fucking with Namjoon. But I hope you can forgive me?" He looked at you with large puppy dog eyes and you couldn't help but melt at the sight.

"Sure" you say and Jimin gives a cute smile.

"So how did you guys even get involved in this life?" You noticed the two men's hesitation and immediately backtracked, "sorry, you don't have to answer - I didn't mean to intrude."

"No it's fine. It's just not all of our stories are exactly happy." Yoongi said soothingly, "I was pretty much born into this life. Where I grew up.. we didn't have a lot of money, where my family lived was a shit hole. My father was a low level drug dealer, scrounging just enough money for us to get by and when I was old enough, I joined him. After my parents died I was all on my own, I met one bloke, Simon Dominic, who said he could help me and he set me up in this life." You couldn't help but to feel guilty, guilty that whilst you were sat at home, comfortable and well fed, Yoongi was probably out, starving and desperate for money - just to keep him going, just like Hoseok.

"Yoongi-" you start but he shakes his head.

"It's okay (Y/N), I'm glad of it really. If I hadn't gone through that I wouldn't have met Jimin. He got me away from the men I was working with, the dangerous men. I'm a hitman you see, and a good one. If I see your name on my list, you're fucked. Because I would move heaven, hell and anything in between to get to you." He explained and you gave a light shudder.

"What about you Jimin?" You ask and the younger gave a nonchalant shrug.

"My father was a mob boss, a business man, a murder - much like Jiyong. He and my mother were assassinated when I was younger and I was taken in by my uncle. Obviously when people realised who I was they tried to kill me too. I just decided I would be the one to kill them first. I started up my own business - killing anyone who crossed me. Then I met Yoongi hyung, he saved me from that dark place. But (Y/N), I want you to realise, that I have never killed any man that, in the first place, did not deserve killing." You gulped lightly when Jimin finished his speech. These men had gone through so much, suffered so much, you didn't know how they coped. You felt guilty because you were content and you never even thought that someone could be suffering. You felt so self-centred.

Jimin must have caught on because he placed a comforting hand on your knee, "don't worry about it (Y/N), the important thing is that we are happy now, we all are and Taehyung is a part of that happiness, and that's why we need him - he brings us all together." He gave you a small smile which you returned.

"Thanks Jimin, Don't worry, we'll save Taehyung."

You paused.



"How is Jungkook involved?" You asked and Jimin looked up at you curiously.

"I saw there was a bit of tension when he was here, how do you know him?" He asked, peering at you and Yoongi stopped what he was doing to listen.

"We have been best friends since we were ten" you explain and the two boys look shocked.

"And you didn't know he was involved?" Yoongi asked and you shook your head.

"Wow, he must have hid that really well" Jimin commented, that just made it worse. It was a hard thing for him to hide but he did it anyways. Did he really not trust you enough?

"Gee that makes me feel so much better."


"Did he really not trust me that much?" You sighed, this was the first time you had really thought about Jungkooks lies. He hurt you, he was your best friend and he hurt you. Was there anyone that hadn't at this point?

"Look (Y/N), I don't really know Jungkook but he's a good kid. Whatever his reasoning is for not telling you - that's something you need to talk to him about" Yoongi gave you a comforting look.

"I wish I knew where he was" you sighed.

"I'm right here" a familiar voice sounded, causing the three of you to jump violently, turning to see Jungkook stood in the doorway. You gulped as you looked at him. His eyes were puffy and red, as if he had been crying and rubbed them. His voice sounded husky and broken.

"(Y/N).. I need to talk to you" when you didn't move he added; "in private."

"Yeah of course" you find yourself saying, rising to your feet and following him out the door, to the landing outside. Jungkook looked at you, eyes scanning your face, not saying a word.

"Soo, are you going to tell me why you've been lying to me for over ten years or are you just going to stare at me?" You raised your eyebrow and Jungkook gulped nervously.

"I never meant do you to find out this way" he started and you scoffed.

"Really? Well it seems like I was never meant to find out at all Jungkook."

"If you want the truth then yes! You never were meant to find out!" He scowled and you scowled right back at him.

"Did you really think I wouldn't?"

"Of course I knew you would find out! I'm not stupid and neither are you, but if I could choose I would've hid this from you forever" he snapped.

"Jungkook this isn't just any old fucking secret! You're in the mafia for fucks sake, that's not the type of thing you can just hide!" You exclaim and Jungkooks scowl deepens.

"Oh I'm sorry, do I carry round a membership card that says 'Mafia' on it? I never fucking wanted this, and if there was any way I could protect you from this then I damn well would do it" Jungkook looked dismal, "I'm not in the mafia (Y/N), my father is - I only am by association I guess."

You sighed, looking at the face you loved so much, "whatever Jungkook."
You pulled him in for a hug, being engulfed in his arms.

"Just please don't lie to me again."

"I promise you I won't."

Mob Mentality//Namjoon x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang