Chapter 32; Pippy Plots Pippifying Lyndon

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Chapter 32; Pippy Plots Pippifying Lyndon

Melody's POV

I woke up to my limbs feeling heavy and having no control over my eyelids. My temples throbbed against my skin and the daylight sinking in from the window could be seen through my eyelids making my headache worse. I stilled as panic flooded me, "Where am I?" . I couldn't remember last nights events, my thoughts were foggy. 

I groaned as a dizzy spell took over me. 

"Melody?" A familiar voice asked and relief washed over me. 

"Alli?" My voice came out scratchy as I forced my eyes open.They quickly shut on their own when bright white light filled them. Finally I forced my eyes opened wide and they adjusted to the light. 

"What happened?" I asked basically slapping myself in the face when my hand gave away as I brought it up to my for head. 

"um-well." Alli said wincing. 

"Alli" I said to her warning as the expression on my face had cause negative thoughts to fill my head. Did someone die? Was I attacked? Am I pregnant- no that's not possible. DID SOMETHING HAPPENED TO LYNDON? What the hell I am supposed to hate him. Unless- am I... dead. 

Thoughts swirled my head as I patiently waited for Alli to explain.

"You were sort of drugged last night." She said. Even though she mumbled it out I understood as my eyes widened in shock and my mouth opened and closed like a gaping fish. 

"By-by who?" I asked. There was a crack in my voice as I spoke. My throat felt dry and my heart was beating fast. 

"No body knows." She said giving me a pitying look. 

I turned away from her and stared in front of me, clasping and un clasping my fists.  I was irresponsible enough to get drunk and then get drugged. How could I be so stupid! I should have been able to control myself. 

But the pain and thoughts... 

The one thing I could remember from last night was the feeling of happiness and relief. The feeling that I had the whole world to explore and everything was in my hands. I had control over what I could do and the reoccurring thoughts of sadness and loneliness never reach me. All I had were thoughts I could be. 

But I could have died. 

"Mel." Alli said as she placed her hand on my shoulder, snapping me away from my thoughts. 

"Don't be so hard on yourself." She said sympathetically. I shook my head as tears threatened to fall. My heart did a back flip as I realized something else. 

My reoccurring thoughts had been of Lyndon. 

"Where's Jesse?" I said quickly before I could stop myself. 

"Right here." Jesse said poking his head into the hospital room. Alli shot him a glare as he walked in and pulled a chair up to my bed. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but ignored it as Jesse stroked his hand across my cheek. 

"I'll go get some coffee." Alli said coldly and walked out of the room. 

Jesse chuckled. "She dosen't like me too much." He said. 

"Why?" I asked him raising an eyebrow. His face suddenly got really serious and he looked away from me. 

"It was my fault. I left you for a few minutes to get you a bottle of water and I came back.." Jesse's voice cracked and I put my hand on his cheek. He looked at me and I smiled. 

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