Chapter 8. An unexpected turn

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Chapter 8.

Lyndon's POV

I was talking to another girl that I met in line. She was also registering for the acting class, and was pretty damn hot. I could get used to this school.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Connor. I looked at him expectantly.

"Alli and Melody are here." I scoffed. Why would I care?

"So?" Connor narrowed his eys and lowered his voice.

"Say hi." I glanced back at the girl I was talking to,who was now growing impatient. I really dont have time for those girls when I have an extremly hot girl right here.

"Why would I care. Im kinda busy here." I turned back to the girl and began conversing with her again. I could feel Connor glaring a hole through my back. Later on he sighed and turn back to talk to the girls I'm guessing.

"You know not alot of guys have the guts to sign up for acting classes. They think its only for girls or something." Said the blonde. I smirked at her.

"I love acting ever since I was kid. I have to admit I never wanted to come to the class but now I'm not regretting the decision because of you babe. "I winked at her. She giggled and slapped my arm. I heard a scoff and a girl voice.

"Typical." I narrowed my eys and turned towards the girl who was in line infront of us that I tried flirting with earlier. Surprisingly she was to into talking to her friend. It wasn't her.

Confused I turned to see the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen with her eyes narrowed at me. She had ligh brown eyes and brown hair. Her hair flowed down her back and she had a detailed face. She was stunning. But she just insulted me. The thought will not be said outloud.

I narrowed my eyes back at her.

"What are you." Seemed like my word choice insulted her the way I wanted to because she looked taken aback before she clenched her fist.

"Melody Collins. I would ask you the same question but I already know what YOU are." She looked at me fluttering her long lashes. I smirked at her and gave her a once over not hiding it. Her floral dress hugged her curves and the black tights she was wearing made her legs look longer.

"So your a stalker." She did look familiar. How could I forget a face like that though. She continued to smirk up at me.

"Nope." She said, popping the P and giving me a innocent smile.

"I just know basing on how big of a jerk you are and how cheesy your pick up lines are that you're a typical bad boy that thinks he can get every girl he wants when in reality he cant." She paused and looked over at the blonde whos mouth was wide open. Then she leaned in close enough that I could smell her sweet scent.

"Only the desprete or dumb ones." She stepped back as her dumb friend widely grinned at her. I narrowed my eyes so much that I could probably become crossed eyed. Then I composed myself and looked her directly in the eye.

"Only the ones I want." I gave her a once over again just to prove my point and added a digusted look. Hey, might as well use my acting skills. Even though it was a lie and she was extremly attractive.

I know. That was an ass move. No matter what girl it is, if a guy says something about there appearance they'll take it to heart. Even if the guy is hideous. But for some odd reason this one seemed very unphased.

Let me explain myself, I hate being underestimated and judged. It bothered me and usually when someone says something about me I wouldn't give a shit but she hit a nerve.

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