Chapter 29. The Past Will Always Haunt You

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"I want to talk to you. You have been avoiding me for days." he said raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah because you accused my boyfriend of doing drugs." I replied. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"You don't know if I am wrong." He said calmly.

"You don't know if you are right." I shot back.

"What the hell Melody! The signs are right there!" He yelled at me. I took a step back and glared at him.

"Or you just can't stand seeing that I am happy. Do you really hate me so much Lyndon? I know we arn't friends but that's just cruel!" I hissed back. He laughed at me. Yes he freaking laughed.

"Is this what you think it is? Me jealous or something?!" He asked taking a step closer.

"That's what it seems like!" I said

"Jealous of what? I may not be a snobby rich bitch, and I may not be able to even afford a piece of furniture in this school but I am perfectly happy with the life I have." i narrowed my eyes at his piercing green ones.

"I." I said coolly. I worked my butt of for years to be able to come to this school. I will not stand here being judged like that.He shook his head.

"No you arn't, did your mother not teach you to be a whore who is desperate enough to be with a druggy?!" All I saw was red and before I knew it my hand flew across his face. It throbbed from the impact.

"My mother died on this day 3 years ago, you fucking piece of shit!" I yelled as tears threatened to spill. Shock and regret flew across his face as he took a step forward. I took a step back.

"Don't you dare come near me you prick." I said shaking my head.

Then I started running again.

Lyndon's POV


Once again I screwed up.

 And the worst part?

She didn't even bite her cheek when she swore at me. I am an officially certified screw up. 

I watched as she sprinted away from me as I contemplated whether to chase her and then realized that a girl with legs like those could probably do more than sprint really fast for a long time. I didn't mean it in a perverted way either. 

I rubbed my cheeks and groaned in frustration. How could I have called her a whore. WHO THE HELL DOES THAT? Oh yeah me, an insensitive jackass who puts his ego and pride before anyone else. Usually I wouldn't care but this is Melody we are talking about. Plus it was her mothers death anniversary. 

"SHIT!" I yelled as I kicked my foot, sending grass and dirt flying everywhere. The guilt and regret I had was way too much to handle as I stomped across the grass, praying that she would somehow understand that I am just naturally a dumbass and then she will forgive me. 

"How do you know your right?"

Her words echoed in my ears. The more I thought about it, the more I doubted myself. I could have sworn I was but now I am not sure. 

I had seen the exact same symptoms with my mom. Irritated skin, easily angered, always having to get up to go somewhere in her case drugs. It was exactly what Jesse was doing. Now as Melody's pained expression flashed in my mind after my flashbacks of my mothers lowest points in life, I realized I must be wrong. I could just be paranoid after what happened to my mother. 

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