Chapter 3. The sun guides

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CHAPTER 3. The sun guides

Lyndon's POV

My feet sunk into the sand as I walked towards the water. I wanted to get a swim in before it got too cold. The water felt great on my warm feet. I looked behind me to see people running around and getting ready for the bonfire. Despite the guys talking about how lucky they were going to get that night and the girls squealing as they were pretending to hate getting splashed by a guy, this moment was beautiful. Damn I'm such a dork being all sensitive and shit. What the fuck is wrong with me.

I took my shirt off and smirked as I heard whistles.

" WOAH SEX GOD" yelled Connor as he bursted out laughing. I threw my shirt at him

"SCREW YOU CONNOR" I yelled as I took a handful of water and threw it onto him. Before he could react I ran into the water and stayed under for a while enjoying the coolness of it before I came back up.

"You'll pay for that Lyndon Peirce!"

"Aha yeah you try that"

I looked out onto the shore to see if I could see any girls that would get the honour of me tonight but didn't see anyone interesting enough to grab my attention. I turned my attention to the end of the shore where no on went. I climbed out of the water and walked towards it.

When I reached the pile of rocks I started to climb until I got to the top. I started to walk forward into the forest until I reached an old tree house. I made the tree house with my dad 8 years ago. Those were the happy days of my life. I shook the thought out and climbed up the ladder I'd climbed many times before. It was a wonder how the ancient thing could still support my weight. I reached the top and went straight for the thing I was looking for.

I opened the black felt box and looked down at the gold chain. I sighed as I was flooded with the few good memories of my life.


Melody's POV

I breathed in the salty as Alli stepped out of the car with a a Blanket and a bag full of what ever the hell Alli thinks she needs. As I looked into the horizon all my regret was washed away. I needed this. I needed to be in the open and watching the untamed wave calmed me. Everything looked

"Ready to have some fun with that chiseled god." Yep here comes the regret again.

"Stop saying that, why would anyone like him want to go out with me" I closed my eyes in attempt to calm my nerves.

"Jesus Mel, your gorgeous how can you even say that. Besides don't be so nervous just act how you usually do and if he doesn't like you he's screwed up." I scoffed at her comment is she telling me to pretend to be someone I'm not?

"And I don't mean that act you put up in school. He doesn't go to our school. I don't even understand why you do that your perf the way you are."

This whole telepathic thing was getting a bit creepy. I sighed and started walking towards the beach until my feet sunk into the sand.


Lyndon's POV

I was handed red cups from random people every where I went. I declined all of them and kept drinking the one in my hand for and hour it was going to get dark soon and the official bonfire would start. It was fun people watching. Girls and guys that were pretending to be drunk. The drunk hook-ups that they would regret in the morning and the pretending to be drunk so they can hook-up, hook-ups. There were no cute girls at the bonfire. Sure there were girls who came and tried to hook with me but they looked fucking shitty drunk plus they were annoying type if drunks. Even I have standards.

Finally the sun started to go down and everyone started to calm down a little since this was supposed to be the calm of the storm. All hell will break loose soon. I looked at the sunset relaxing my tense muscles as I took in the beauty of it all. I'm fucking pathetic but who gives a shit.

I look around the shore as people were sitting on blankets boyfriends cuddling with there girls and friends taking Instagram pictures. The tacky sunset, shadows and running into the water pictures. I saw a girl at the far corner of the beach at my heart skipped a beat.

She had long brown hair that looked a bit red from the sun light. She was tall and stood straight. Even from afar you could see her features stand out.

This was my chance. No I wasn't thinking about sex or anything I actually just wanted to go stand next to her and enjoy the moment with her. Even from afar she was beautiful. I will be so fucking disappointed if she turns out to be so man with long hair up close. I couldn't help but feel excited as I inched close but stopped abruptly as I saw a tall guy walk up to her. I couldn't recognize him as someone who went to Calborn. He had black hair and was toned. I don't know why but disappointment hit me. Even though I was a huge douche I would never hit someone's girl. Yeah I know surprising. Good freaking job deciding that was the rule I would follow.


Melody's POV

"I could just stand here forever looking at you. So much beauty in one look with the sunset and you" I turned slightly as a male figure stood before me. I blushed as he looked straight into my eyes, shyly smiling.

"That's...uh..flattering" what the hell was wrong with me. Roy didn't seem to notice my stupid reply.

"I always loved watching the sunset as a little kid." I looked up to see Roy looking off in the distance as he reminisced his past.

"I found the way the colours just naturally compliment each other. No man made thing could be so beautiful." I realized I was staring at him with my eyes wide and mouth open until he looked at me. I quickly shut my mouth and composed myself before I finally answered.

"That's an amazing way to think of it."

"Really? Not too lame?"

"No not at all" Roy turned and looked back at the sky. There was only a tint of orange the sun left behind before it set but other than that it was completely dark.

"Why don't we go help light the bonfire?" Roy turned and smiled. The shadow under his cheeks make his feature stand out even more. I smiled and took his hand as we walked off.


I hope everyone's enjoying the book so far! Let me know what you think. I decided to give a little hint of Lyndon's past and brought a lot of Roy into this chapter.

I realized I had a lot of typos, but I fixed them. I was too excited to put the book out to bother editing.

Won't happen again :)

Comment/vote would be greatly appreciated :) Even a message!

Chapter 4 is gonna be big and filled with things that you wont want to miss out on. Stay updated!

~ ilavayou2

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