Chapter 26.Confessions of a Canadian

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Warning: Not edited.

*Picture of Jesse on da siddeeee :)))) ------>

Chapter 26.Confessions of Canadian

Melody's POV

I sat there frozen as Jesse kissed me roughly. I was too stunned to respond. When he cupped my neck and tugged me closer to him that's when I did. After a few minutes I was finally able to match my lips with his. The kiss was hot and it was leaving me in pools of liquid. He had never kissed me like this. It was usually just a peck or one long hard one. It seemed as if he was letting his emotions out that way. It must have been all his negative ones though because I had a bad feeling about this.

Our lips moved in sync as slowly I kissed him back. his hand rested on the small of my back and soon we were both leaned over the arm rest . We pulled away to breathe for a moment and before I even sucked in a breathe his lips were connected to mine again. He pulled me onto his lap but I didn't realize until my neck was straining from bending it down. He pushed my hair back moving to my neck. I let out a squeal as we suddenly went flying backwards as he pushed the lever to move his seat back. He chuckled at me and continued the kiss. I could feel my lips swelling and getting hot at all the contact. This is the furthest I have ever gone with a boy and too be honest, I was terrified. He positioned his self on top of me and before I knew it, we wee in the back seat. I was breathing heavily, I pulled away to take a breathe but was quickly pulled back. My blood when cold when I heard him unbuckling his pants. 

"Jesse"I mumbled pushing him a bit. He bent down and began kissing my neck.I relaxed a bit as he hit a sensitive spot by my ear. I moaned softly. I felt the movement of Jesse sliding of his pants from our intertwined legs. "Jesse." I said breathlessy again, desperately trying to put some distance between us. "Jesse!" I finally said clearly as I sat up. Jesse looked up at me. 

"What?" He asked? I bit my lip unsure of how to say the words that I knew I needed to say but he wouldn't want to hear. It would be silly to everyone else but who I get involved with has always been something that I would chose and have control it. Losing it in the back of car in a alley for the first time isn't the greatest story to tell. 

Call me whatever you want but I wanted it to be a night with no regrets and so far i had many regrets. I pressed my back against the door as he looked at me expectantly. 

"I can't do this. Its-its going too far." I whispered. I looked up expecting Jesse to laugh at me but when I met his eyes, he just sighed sitting back into the seat. 

"Sorry. I should have asked." He said, rubbing his face with his hands. I wanted to say something but could not string a sentence. We sat in the back of the car for a while. It seemed like he did'int mind it although it seemed pretty awkward to me. I relaxed as I realized I got myself out of that very intimate moment. I turned around and put my feet on the ground of the car, sitting back on the cool seats. I shut my eyes and relaxed my tense body. When my breathing was normal again, he spoke. 

"You know I don't know anything about you right?" I looked at him and shrugged. I was really not looking forward for the day he realizes that. I shrugged. 

"There's not much to be known." I said with a nervous laugh. I really liked it this way. Telling your secrets are never a good thing. You will either regret it later or you will be judged for them. There secrets for a reason and mine are kept in the deepest darkest part of me. I don't want them but the only way to get rid of them is to tell them. Your either stuck with the secret forever or the humiliation of the secret. My life was basically made up of secrets and if I gave out one, It will be a big clue to the others. 

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