Chapter 7. Summer Has Officially Begun.

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Authours note

SURPRISE! I decided to squeeze in a extra long chapter before I have to really go into school mode and give up on wattpad for a few days :( ~Que the sad music.

DONT WORRY THOUGH, Ill be back as soon as I'm into the swing of things ~Que happy music 

hehehe cliff hanger MUAHAHAHAH ~Que evil music 

Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! :D 

What do you guys think about the POV's I tried to make them loner this time and the story is finally picking some pace up. :D

Comment/Vote !!!!

I lava you guys <3


P.s I'm thinking about giving out some my social networking sites but I'm not sure if I want to do that yet. Maybe later on! 

P.P.s This chapter is unedited because I had very little time to make it and publish it since I'm going to busy. I wanted to get on last chapter out before the wait so I made this one long so you gotta forgive me for a few typos. Right?

 P.P.P.S Picture of the front of the academy.Just a small pictures to send your imagination running    ----------------------------------->


Chapter 7. Summer Has officially begun. 

Lyndon's POV 

I woke up the next morning to light shining so freaking brightly on my face. What the hell happened to my blinds? I looked around the room and spotted the culprit. Layla. That shit face dog was evil. I mean big time evil. I swear she was plotting to kill me. She hated everyone except my foster sister, who is the only reason to why there keeping the bitch. She looked up at me innocently as she had my curtains bitten down in between her teeth. 

"What the hell, you stupid dog. Put those blinds back." No this request did not seem stupid to me because that dog was smart as hell, she just wont show it to make her seem innocent. I heard a deep chuckle from the hallway and in came no other than Connor. 

"Good doggy." He said patting Layla's head and quickly pulling his hand away when she growled and tried to bite him. 

"Bitch." He mumble as she trotted out of the room. 

"what the hell are you doing here so early." 

"What you mean? I'm here to take you to the first day of the drama academy!" He said a little to enthusiastically. I cringed as was reminded of school in summer. 

"Nah man, I'm not going, summer is not made for school." He gave me aggravated look before pulling my sheets off me.

"What the hell man." I groaned as i stood up straight to look at him. He laughed as he looked at me. 

"Awh you look so cute trying to look intimidating with your bed head and your toy." I looked to my right to see my captain American action figure, beside me. I grabbed it defensively. 

"Its an action figure!" Okay no, I know what you're thinking and no I do not have a pet bunny and like to colour, colouring books in my free time, Me and my dad just always played with action figures and my captain America one was the last one he got me.  

"Mhm. Well put your doll away and get ready we are leaving." I threw a pillow at him, groaning and lying back into my bed. 

"Fuck off." 

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