Chapter 21. I'm Pretty Damn Glamorous.

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NOT EDITED. I do not own any of the Shakespeare lines in this chapter.

OH MYY GOOOSH I am so sorry. This has been the longest I have gone without updating. It has been a chaotic week and I still have so much stuff to you but I don't think I could have survived another day without getting one up! 

So here it is !

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P.s amazing cover on the side is made by uwotpad------> 


I lava you guys <3 


P.P.S Thank you for all the votes and read! It has not hit me yet, how much this book is growing.

Chapter 21. I'm Pretty Damn Glamorous

Melody's POV 

My body stiffened and a cold shiver snaked down my spine as the words flew out of his mouth. Was it really that obvious. No it can't be, because I don't even know how I freaking feel. The fact that I have a boyfriend is just the tip of the iceberg! Of course he dosen't know for sure Melody! Play it off. I stood there with my mouth gaping and my breath stuck in my throat. I had no idea what to do. He was standing at such a close proximity that I didn't know what to say, or how he would react to either way. What are you saying Melody?! He'll laugh in your freaking face.  I planned out my action plan even though there was almost no use since I was a little light headed because of his closeness.

As Lyndon raised an eyebrow and his famous smirk was growing on his face, I did what I did best. 

I embarrassed myself. 

My eyes began half shut and my mouth, slightly agape and my head leaned back. I was definatly pulling the most unattractive face there. Finally I was put out of misery....

I sneezed. 

Worse of all I head butted him in the process. 

His head flew back from the shock and he took a step back as my face flew into my arm with my hair falling over it. 


I peeked through my lashes and hairs at Lyndon who was currently staring at me with a surprised expression on his face. Slowly I lifted my head and pushed my long locks out of my face. After a moment of silence passed between us, he sighed. 

"Bless you." He mumbled looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I gave him a nervous smile and shrugged. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips as I turned around and began walking away awkwardly. I knew the question was still on his mind so I turned around and smirked. 

"Hey, Lyndon?" His head shot in my direction. 

"You might want to rehearse."  Feeling satisfied with my answer, I turned on my heels and stalked out of the hallway, As I finally had a moment to myself my dace heated up. I knew I was bright red and I did not need to look at myself to know. Saying I was extremely embarrassed is an understatement. I just head butted him while sneezing after a very intense accusation. 

You know those moments where your lying and bed and your face heats up and you cringe while remembering your past embarrassing moments? Yeah well this one is going to be on the top of the list for a very, very long time.

The Real Face (ON HOLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon