Chapter 27. The audition

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welp here is the chapter you all have been waiting for....Melody's audition! Condsider this a bonus chapter, which is why it is short.


Please remembered to vote for Entry 28 in the "Undiscovered Watty Awards" by Gertrude and "The Undiscovered Watty Awards Sticks Edition" entry 68 :)

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Chapter 27. The Audition

I held my breath unconsciously and picked at my fingers. my bones was stiff and muscles were tensed as I waited for the result. I had just finished my audition for Mr.Glam. surprisingly I didn't completely freak out or have a nervous breakdown. once I started I sort of just got really into it. I auditioned for the nurse and it was kind of liberating. she was such a strong crazy character that it felt nice to act like that was me, that it could be me.

Apparently I had done a horrible job though because Mr.Glam was was just sitting, knees apart and chin resting in his hands as he studied me. When I realized I couldn't hold my breathe any longer I began awkwardly shuffling towards the door. I let go of my breathe and opened my mouth to speak when the words got stuck in my throat as Mr.Glam rushed up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh my darling girl! Where have you been all my life!?" I made a choking sound as a reply. He finally realized he was crushing my organs as he laughed at let me go, slicking his hair back in place?

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked when I could finally fill my lungs back up with the delicious thing I like to call air.

"I mean you were extraordinary! Never in my ten year of teaching have I seen someone perform with so much passion and need! You are a magnificent young girl!" I stared at him in shock as my eyes widened and the words that I was thinking would not form. Mr.Glam tsk'd and shook his head as he tapped his finger on his chin.

"Your talent must not be wasted!" He said frantically as he walked to his desk and began shuffling papers. I remained still, looking at him like a gaping fish.

"I cannot give you just an extra in the play, you have to have a big part." Mr.Glam muttered as his hair began falling out of its perfect gelled form.

"Good job Mel." Jesse said, reminding me of his presence. I frowned at him and tried to give him my best I-hope-he-dosen't-give-me-a-big-partlook. I had tried to get out of this audition but with Jesse's persuasion I gave in. Plus the fact that Mr.Glam refused to let me off the hook. Something about the fact that he didn't want to get sued again by some daddy's girl father. I think he didn't realize that I was in no way a daddy's girl and it took forever for me to even have enough money to snatch a seat in this school.

After a few minutes of looking down at a paper as if it had all the world secrets on it and he was memorizing it, Glam finally spoke.

"I didn't want to do this but I'm afraid that I will have to remove Pippy and give you the part of Juliet." Mr Glam sighed out.

I finally broke out my trance when the words left his mouth. My eyes widened even more and my heart dropped to my stomach.

"NO!" I practically screamed giving Mr.Glam and Jesse quite the fright. I was panicked. I was not going to be able to go on a stage with a spotlight on me and perform I'm front of hundreds of people. that was just the tip of the iceberg, if I was Juliet then my Romeo would be Lyndon. The boy sent me in hives just by looking at me. imagine what would happen if I were to play his love interest. My hear, crushed the butterflies in my stomach at the thought as I frantically shook my head at Mr.Glam.

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