Crabby Trissy Poo

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Tris POV~

It's been three months and the ranks were ready. Also Shauna is now 4 months pregnant and we will know the gender of the baby! Tobias and I have decided to plan the wedding in a month. We don't feel like rushing things.

It's 9:33 AM and we have to get up. Tobias is passed out and I don't want to wake him up.

"Tobias.... Wake up." I rub his back. Let's just say we did it again.

"Tris. I'm trying to sleep!" He groans.

"I hate to wake your moody ass up but we have to get ready. One, I have a baby shower to attend and two, rankings are tonight." I get up and get my robe.

Tobias sits up and says "Tonight, we are both celebrating then." He gives me a smirk and I just laugh, walking into the bathroom.

Tobias POV~

Rankings are today. We also found out whose Divergent. Hilary, Clark, and Ryan. Also Tris and I have to go shopping for Shauna's baby shower gift. May I say, Tris and I have gone at it 7 times. Boy am I glad she got over that fear.

"Tobias, go take a shower." Tris came in all snappy.

"Okay crabby pants." I stuck my tongue out.

Tris POV~

I have been a bitch all morning. I don't know why. Tobias and I are going to get the baby shower present. I'm not sure why, but I love shopping for baby clothes. Tomorrow is my 18th Birthday. We didn't celebrate my 17 birthday because we were pretty much running for our lives. So hopefully this will be different.

"Tris what are you thinking about?" Tobias asked while grabbing my hand.

"My birthday. I don't know and I'm sorry for snapping at you. I have been very moody lately." I sigh and lean on his shoulder.

We walk into the store and look for the list. I push the cart and Tobias just walks around staring at shit. I run and jump onto the cart and almost crash into a shelf.

"Shit.... Oops. Hey look! I found the bear on the list!" I exclaim.

"Couldn't you have done that without destroying stuff?" Tobias laughed and helped me up.


(At the baby shower)

Tris POV~

Tobias dropped me off and went to get me my present. Hopefully it's not like Christina's fake one, which was a box of condoms and pregnancy tests. I swear I don't know what I'm going to do.

"Hey Tris welcome to the party! Shauna is going to be here any minute and we will let go of the balloons when she walks in." Lynn explains.

"And the balloons reveal the gender." Marlene smiles.

I look around the living room. This is held in Marlene's apartment and Christina decorated to the max. Pink and blue balloons and decor are every where. Food is out and a dauntless cake which is being covered because the "baby's name" will be on it.

"Alright everyone get in your places!" Christina squeals.

We hide and wait for the apartment door to open. Zeke comes in with Shauna waddling behind.

"Surprise!" We all yelled and she jumped.

"You guys made me almost pee my pants!" She giggles.

Once she walked in, Marlene hit the button and the gender is........

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