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Tobias POV~

I wake up with a beautiful girl named Tris in my arms. Last night was great and I'm glad it was with her. She's all snuggled up on my chest and her breaths are slow. I play with her hair and look at the time. It's 6:30 and we have to get ready.

"Tris.. Wake up" I nudge her.

"Tobias shut up. I'm try to sleep." And she rolls to the other side.

I go over and start kissing her neck and I bite her ear playfully.

"Okay I'm getting up." She groans.

I get up and go take a shower.

Tris POV~

Tobias woke me up and I got half an hour of extra sleep. I realized I'm still "undressed" from last night. Memories started to flood my mind. I can't believe it actually happened. It was spontaneous and wonderful. I look at my ring and study it. Simple but sweet. Just like me.

I grab a robe and Tobias walks out in a towel.

"You're not a morning person are you?" He laughs.

"Not now not ever." I smiled and went to the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror and notice something under my ear. A fucking hickey. Tobias I'm gonna kill you. I finish taking my shower and throw my hair up in a pony. It's a short one but it will do. I through on a tang top and shorts. Slip my combat boots and grab a muffin.

"What are you wearing?" Tobias eyed me.

"Clothes. What am I suppose to be wearing?" I smirked.

"Those shorts. Are WAYYYYYY to short." He whines.

"Tobias shut up. And look what you did to me!" I point to my neck.

"Oh my dauntless cake. That's hilarious. I'm awesome." He starts laughing so hard I think he might die.

"Let's just go!" And we walked out.

We get to the training room and all the initiates are there. I notice Hilary is hanging out with Wendy and Ryan. They all got tattoos. Then Lillian, Henry, Clark and Sarah are also in a group. They have piercings. Then there's Mason, Adam, and Dani in the corner. Guess they are bad news.

"Alright listen up! Grab a gun and go to a target. Aim for the middle like this." Tobias shoots and it is dead in the center.

"Um why can't Six show us too? Can she not shoot or something?" Dani laughed.

"Wait Adam didn't Six try to get with you?" Mason chuckled.

"Yeah see that hickey on her neck. All me." Adam exclaims.

"In your dreams Adam. All three of you lost 30 points for embarrassing yourselves." I clapped and smirked.

Mason's jaw dropped. Adam looked pissed and Dani wanted to kill someone.

"What are you waiting for?! These guns aren't gonna shoot themselves!" Tobias shouts.

About 4 hours later with shooting and missing successfully it was time to let them go.

"Tonight is capture the flag. Be at the train at 2:30 AM. If you're late you're factionless." I command and then they leave.

Tobias and I hold hands and walk to the cafeteria. We see our little gang and make our way over there.

Tobias POV~

"Look the love birds are here." Uriah says on a girly voice.

"OMG! Tris you have a ring on your finger!! Are you guys engaged?!" Christina smiled big.

"Yes." Tris answered them.

"Well I also have news." Shauna looks at Zeke.

Now I'm confused. Zeke would have told me if he was going to get married. I mean they should get married since they have been together for three years now.

"Oooooo, what is it?" Marlene sang.

"Brace yourselves. I'm pregnant." Shauna smiles.

Everyone drops their forks and stare at her. Tris has her eyes wide and Zeke looks like he's gonna piss his pants. Uriah's mouth is open and food is in it. Christina just dozed off and Will is shocked. I mean everyone is.

"Wow Shauna. That's awesome!" Tris exclaims.

"Yay! That's means I can go baby shopping with you!" Christina squeals.

Uriah grabbed me and Zeke and pulled us to the corner.

"Zeke, what the hell?!" Uriah shouted but whispered.

"I didn't even know." He blurts out.

"Are you happy?" I ask.

"Me? Totally! Her parents? Not going to be at all." He has a worried look.

"You'll be good bro. No worries. And plus UNCLE URIAH IS IN THE HOUSE!!!" Uriah screams.

What is wrong with him?

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