Hurt(Chapter 25) :: Hidan Fanfic

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I felt like I was in this place forever, but it was probably more like a few hours. Having nothing to do was enough to make you go nuts. I was sitting on the ground spinning my empty plate on it's side when I saw a swirl of wind. It was Tobi.

"Having fun Avory?" he asked.

"Loads of it." I said standing up.

"Well that's good to hear. Because you're going to be here a little while longer." I growled and charged him but went through him. I wasn't expecting that at all and I tripped and fell the the ground.

"Let me out of here!" I shouted as she started to disappear.

"Soon enough Avory. Soon enough." he said and he was gone. I growled and punched the ground.


Hidan gave up looking for Avory. She must want to be alone. He sighed and started one of his longer rituals.

Meanwhile, Tobi was getting his things in order.

"Are you sure you are prepared enough for this ceremony?" Zetzu asked him.

"Of corse I am. The only problem is what to do with her when I'm done. I didn't expect her to be this well liked by everyone." Tobi said as he read trough some papers. "Then again I won't be here. Maybe I will just get rid of her myself." He said.

"Then the plan can begin." Zetzu said.

"Yes. The plan will begin as soon as I gain her immortality."


I sighed trying to think of a way out. Maybe next time he comes here I can grab onto him. But I went right through him last time. I let out an annoyed groan as I leaned back against a large rock.

"I wonder . . ." I said to myself. "Chance!" I shouted. Nothing. "Chance I need you!" I shouted again. "Some help you are." I mumbled. Then again maybe he can't get here, where ever here is. I started to walk around out of boredom but it was all the same. Just strange square rocks and nothingness.

"Avory." I heard and turned to see Tobi standing a little way aways. Before I could tell at him he snapped his fingers and a stone slab came up behind me. Metal straps held me down to the slab by my neck,wrists and ankles.

"What the- let me go!" I shouted as I tried to pull free.

" You shouldn't struggle Avory. It will only make it worse on yourself."

"Who are you?!" I demanded as he walked closer to me. He moved his hand to his mask as he stopped in front of me.

"I suppose I could show you." he said as he pulled his mask of and tossed it to the side. My eyes widened. Half his face was scarred,he has short black spiky hair and a red eye. The sharingan.

"You- you're an Uchiha?!" I said.

"Yes. I am. But that doesn't matter. What matters is the ceremony." He said as he ripped my shirt off, leaving me in my bra. He pulled out a small brush and ink pad from his cloak and started to draw something on my stomach.

"What the hell are you going to do to me?!" I shouted as I tried to escape.

"You will see soon enough." he said and took his cloak and shirt off. He them drew a similar design on himself. He walked over to me and bit his thumb. He made a bunch of hand signs then smirked as he harshly slammed his hand onto my stomach. I immediately started to feel a burning electric pain shooting throughout my body.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" I screamed in pain as it got more intense. I felt like my energy was leaving my body. My screams were tiring me as they slowly stopped though the pain was still coursing through me. My vision was blurred and hearing muffled. I could feel my consciousness drifting away.

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