Its Time (Chapter 33) :: Hidan Fan Fic

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"Where is he?!" I shouted as I walked back and forth in our room.

"I'm sure his mission is just running a little late,un." Deidara said trying to calm me down.

"Ugh!" I moaned in pain as I held my lower back.

"Maybe we should just leave for the leaf before you start getting worse."

"No! I'm not leaving without Hidan." I said as I took a few breaths. Deidara stood there nervously as I paced the room in pain. I was in the beginning of labor. My contractions were about eight minutes apart and I don't need to go to the hospital until they are about 3 minutes apart. But since the leaf is a good way aways I had to leave early.

"Maybe you aren't really in labor,un." he said making me glare at him. "No no maybe it's those hicks." He said.

" Braxton hicks?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Yeah those. You were having those a lot lately too,un."

"Yeah but these are different." I said since I wasn't in pain at the moment. "This make it so I can nearly talk through them. Damnit where the hell is Hidan?!" I shouted as another contraction started. I bent over the bed and gripped the sheets.

"I'll go get you some hot tea. That might help,un." he said and left the room. I took deep breaths as the pain started to subside.

Finally in labor I see.

"Go. Away." I said as I moved to sit on the bed.

Oh Avory, relax. Just breath. He said sounding like he actually cared.

"I've been breathing. If I wasn't I'd be dead." I snapped.

Hidan isn't far. A few miles away.

"I think I can hold out until then."

Did you tell him about the child yet?


I will take that as a no.

"I got too nervous. I'll just tell him when the baby gets here. Hopefully it will look like me."

Unlikely. You're genes and features are recessive to my God genes.

"Fantastic." I said with a sigh. "I'll cross that bridge when I get there." I heard the door open and saw Deidara with a cup of tea.

"Here,un. Kisame said this tea is a natural pain reliever." he said as he handed me the cup.

"Thanks." I said and took the cup. I held it in my hands and slowly started to drink it. The warmth as I drank felt so calming and nice.

"Maybe we should wait in the living room,un. That way we could just leave."

"Okay. That's my bag over there." I said pointing to the duffle bag in the corner of the room. Deidara nodded and quickly grabbed the bag, swinging it over his head.

"Let's go." he said and helped me to the living room. "Ow." he said as I tightly gripped his arm. "Another contraction?" He asked and I nodded as I tried to breath through it. They weren't really that bad,yet, but they were annoying enough I couldn't talk. After a minute or so it went away.

"Let's go." I said as we kept walking. Deidara helped me onto the couch and walked over to the entrance. He walked out then quickly came back in.

"He's here,un. Lets go." he said helping me up. I sighed and followed him out.

"What the he'll is going on?" Hidan asked as he got closer.

"Baby." I said as Deidara passed me to Hidan.

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