Chapter sixteen

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**Ross's P.O.V**

I was laying in my room with a massive hangover and the slut from the bar laying next to me. Naked.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

The girl next to me stirred. What was her name again? Jane? Jenna? Jessica? Fuck it.

"Hey, get up." I pushed the girls shoulder.

"What time is it?" the girl asked groggily.

I checked my clock, "Uh like 7 pm."

She shot up, "Shit! I have a shift to work at 7:15!"

"Well, you should probably hurry then." I flopped back on to the bed while the girl rushed around throwing on clothes and grabbing stuff.

"You're a dick." She threw open the door and rushed out.

"Thanks!" I called out behind her.

I wonder what Laura is doing right now. Maybe she's studying for a test that's next month, or doing homework that's due next year. I want to see her so fucking bad, but she probably hates me so much right now. I guess there's only one way to find out.

I threw on my clothes, grabbed my keys and drove straight to the dorms, and rushed up to her room. I knocked slowly, my hands shaking.

She opened the door and when she saw me, she tried to shut it again. I stopped it with my hand.

"Hey Laur."

"Ross." Her mouth was pinched in a line, but she looked so damn adorable in her pajamas and her hair all tangled like she was running her fingers through it in frustration. Probably from me.

"How was American Lit. today?" I smiled a little.

"You should have been there, then maybe you wouldn't have had to ask." She sighed and tried to close the door yet again.

"Well, did you miss me?" I held it open with my hand.

"Not in the least."


"Where, may I ask, did you even go?" She looked at me with those big brown eyes and I just couldn't lie to her.

"The bar." I barely whispered.

"The bar?" Her eyes widened a little then returned to normal.

I nodded slightly.

"With Annie?" She questioned a hint of hopefulness in her voice.

I nodded yet again.

"Wonderful." She turned to walk away, all hints of hopefulness gone in her voice.

I followed her inside, "Laur, I swear I didn't do anything with her."

"Did you do something with another girl Ross? I'm not stupid you know." She sat down on her bed.

"Okay so maybe I did something with someone else, but Laur I swear it meant nothing to me. I only care about you, I was thinking about you the whole time." I said.

"I believe you Ross." She sounded so distant.

"Then what's the problem?" I asked.

"You and I will never work, no matter what you say to change it, we're just too different." she sighed.

"Laur, please." I begged.

"I think you should leave Ross."

"Fine! You know what, I don't know what I was thinking wasting my time with you anyway!" I stood up and stormed to the door.

"Well why don't you just go fuck some other girl for all I care! How about Annie?!" Her face turned a slight red.

"Maybe I will!" I turned and stormed out of the building.

**Laura's P.O.V**

Ross Lynch is the biggest dick in the entire universe. He wants to play dirty? Well fine, I can play just as well as him.

I dialed a number up on my phone.

"Hey, you want to go out and do something?" I asked.

"Uh yeah, I was heading to the bar but we can somewhere else if you want." He said.

"It's okay, the bar sounds fun." I said.

"Really? Well okay, I'll pick you up at eight."

"Okay. I'll see you at the bar tonight Eddie." I hung up and smiled.

Game on Shor. Game on.


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