Chapter two

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I took a seat in American Literature next to my best friend Raini, and we immediately started chatting about our weekend, when the professor walked in and he was followed by a tall blond boy.

"Raini, I think I met that kid before."

"You mean the sexy blond in the leather?"


The professor clapped his hands, "Class, we have a new student to introduce. This is Ross Lynch, please everyone be welcoming and nice to him."

"Oh I'll be very nice to him." This came from a female in the back.


"I'm serious Carrie," the professor narrowed his eyes at the slutty remark, "now Ross, there is an empty seat next to Laura in the front, so why don't you sit there today?"

"Whatever." he huffed.

No. Hell. No.

Just my luck, he sat down next to me. Raini's eyes widened.

"So today we will be reading the classic play Romeo and Juliet and analyzing it." The professor began handing out copies of the play.

"I know you." the blond boy whispered to me.

"Good for you." I whispered back, not making eye contact.

"You are in quite a bitchy mood." he chuckled at me.

"I wasn't. Till now." I replied.

"You know, most girls would have themselves lined up just to sit near me." he smiled in my peripheral.

I turned to face him, "Well I'm not like most girls." I was not going to fall for his little games.

"Noted." he rolled his incredible chocolate eyes.


"Soo what were you whispering about?" Raini pestered on.

"Nothing, I promise."

"Well fine. Don't tell me."

"Great, I won't."

All through American Lit. Ross was whispering the most idiotic things to me, like:
•"Can I borrow a pencil?"
•"Can I borrow paper?"
•"Do you know the sexy brunette's phone number?"
•"Do you know where the bathroom is?"
•"Do you know when this class is over?"
I got into trouble almost 4 times in class, and each time the professor called me out, Ross just laughed at me.

"Hey Laura?" Raini waved her hand in my face.


She nodded her head at someone next to her.

A blond boy.

"You forgot your pencil."


"Yeah, so I broke it and threw the pieces at the professor."

"You did what?!?" I exclaimed.

"I just told you, I broke it and threw the splintered pieces at the professor. You should really work on listening better."

"Oh my god what's wrong with you? You're going to get into so much trouble."

"Oh don't worry about that." he smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"I already told everyone, including the professor, that you threw the pencil."

"What the hell?!? I am going to be in so much trouble!" I almost screamed.

"I know," he smiled, "by the way, did you know, part of the pencil hit the professor in the eye?"

"What?!?" I was infuriated by now.

"You should have seen it, it was hilarious. Anyways, have fun in detention." he shook his head in laughter and walked away.

"Oh my god I hate that blond asshole so much." and I meant it.

"Yeah, I don't blame you." Raini said next to me.


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