Chapter thirteen

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**Ross's P.O.V**

I walked into American Lit. noticing Laura staring at me until I met her eyes then she looked away.

"Hey." I took my usual seat next to Laura and Raini.

"Hey." Raini said while Laura just gave me a small smile, then turning back to her book.

"What are you reading?" I asked her nodding to the book. She simply showed me the cover. The Fault in Our Stars.

"Hm, that's a really inspirational book, you know." I smiled opening my notebook.

"You read it?" she finally asked surprised.

"Yeah I even cried a little at the end, but lets just keep that between us." I joked.

She giggled, "Wow, the famous Ross Shor Lynch cries? I never would've guessed."

"I'm pretty complex you know." I laughed as the professor walked in.

"Class," he clapped his hands, "time to hand your assignments in." he began walking around to collect assignments.

I pulled mine out as Laura and Raini did the same.

"Wow, you did your homework too? Not bad Lynch, not bad." she smiled going back to her book.

"Ah Mr. Lynch your homework has been completed I see, thank you very much. And Miss Marano, books away at this time." the professor collected our homework.

I think Laura is really starting to warm up to me. After the incidents that occurred on Friday night, I was worried that she would be a little scared or intimidated by me.

"Class, today your assignment is to finish reading The Great Gatsby and write an essay about the message you took away from it in your notebooks, and remember there are no wrong answers. I will take some volunteers to share their essays tomorrow in class. Moving on..." the professor droned on as we wrote our homework down.

I glanced over at Laura, "Reading under your desk I see."

She jumped, "Shh! I can't help it, the book is so good."

"Well your lucky I don't rat you out Miss Marano." I smiled slyly.

"Please don't." she begged turning her page.

"On one condition." I smirked.

"What is it?" she sighed.

"Let me take you to lunch." on a date my subconscious added.

"What? No way." she rolled her eyes going back to her book.

"Okay, have it your way." I shot my hand in the air, "Professor?" I called.

"Okay! Fine! Put your hand down!" Laura whisper yelled slapping my leg.

I smirked putting my hand down.

"Yes Mr. Lynch?" the professor turned to face me.

"Oh! You know, it just slipped my mind. I'll let you know if I remember."

"Okay then." the professor turned back to the board.

"You are an idiot." Laura whispered rolling her eyes.

"An idiot you're having lunch with." I winked.


"You know, that's a really debatable theory," Laura took a bite of her noodles, "Hazel could end up with Isaac, but I believe the more realistic theory could be that Hazel stays single and forever in love with Augustus." she waved her fork for emphasis.

We were currently residing in The Panda Express eating noodles and discussing the future of Hazel Grace Lancaster.

"That would be pretty sweet if she stayed single, but I still think that she should go out with Isaac because they're both single and they both had heartbreaks so they understand each other." I said.

"But Isaac's ex didn't die, Monica is just sort of a bitch, no offense I just don't like her. Hazel has it different because Augustus is, dare i say, dead." She pointed out.

"Whatever, I still think Hazel could be happy with Isaac." I rolled my eyes and took a bite.

"You're delusional." she giggled.

I focused my eyes on hers, "You're cute you know."

Her eyes widened and a blush appeared on her cheeks as she looked away, "Ross Shor Lynch, are you flirting with me?" she asked. Quite flirtatiously, might I add.

"That depends, are you open to flirting?" I smirked raising a brow.

"Maybe." she flashed her own smirk.

I like this new flirty Laura.

"Well, that settles it Miss Marano." I smirked.

"Settles what?" she smirked trailing a finger up my arm.

"Oh I think you know what," I let my smirk turn to a sheepish grin as her fingers traced my biceps, "this flirty side of you is really turning me on Laur."

"Oh I like that. Laur, that's a cute nickname," she bit her lip, "Tell you what, lets finish this in your car, and see where it takes us." Laura smirked grabbing my wrist and dragging me out to my car.

What the hell just happened?


(A/N): I really had to incorporate tfios in this because I am basically in love with that book and the movie is pretty amazing too.

Btw I take Laura's side in the debate, I think Hazel should stay single😜.

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