Chapter 39

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A/N Awwh i love this part, i hope you do too :3

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Enjoy xx


-A year and a half later-

*Brooke’s P.O.V*

“Bwookie!” I heard a gurgle. I opened my eyes to see those gorgeous blue eyes and soft golden brown hair. No, not Niall. My gorgeous little god-daughter, Jordan.

“Today’s the day Brooke!” Georgia laughed, jumping onto the side of my bed, holding the toddler so she wouldn’t fall off.

Oh my god. Today is the day. I’M GETTING MARRIED.

After almost 2 years of planning, we were finally going to get married.

Niall was so amazing, better than I could even explain.

 I shot up in my bed, knocking Georgia back slightly and noticing that Cassie and Kiara were also in the room.

“Uh, hey guys” I said groggily. Kiara pointed to the bed side table and waiting for me was a hot cup of tea and some hot breakfast.

“Oh god you guys are awesome!” I said, already digging into the breakfast.

“Okay, well you seem to be enjoying that. But you have to hurry so we can start getting you ready Mrs-almost-Horan” Cassie beamed.

I smiled so wide at that. The sound of it was perfect. Mrs Horan. In just a matter of hours, that would be me!

-1 hour later-

I looked out of the hotel window, out onto the beautiful Hawaiian beach. The white sand and the crystal clear water.

“Brooke come over here, we have to get your hair and makeup done. We have to be at the church at 11 and it is now 9” Georgia called me into the bedroom again. I had just tried on my dress to get some minor adjustments done and now I was going to get made up to perfection for the reception.

“Okay, I’m coming” I called back as I started on my way over to the double doors pulling them open.

Kiara was sitting on the ground next to Jordan, keeping her occupied while Georgia set up my hair and makeup stuff.

“Well, I have to be going now, to help El set up and organise the church but we’ll see you later yeah?” Cassie said, planting a light, friendly kiss on my cheek.

“Bye Cass” the girls and I called and she waved as she exited the room.

“Okay, so now let’s get started. Kiara can you keep her occupied while I work some magic over here?” Georgia asked our friend, who already looked like she was having a great time playing with the little girl.

About an hour and a half later I was spun around to face the dressing table mirror.

“Oh. My. God. Georgia!! That looks amazing!” I got up quickly, still in my shorts and tank top and hugged her tightly.

She laughed lightly and hugged me back, “You’re welcome Wookie, you look absolutely beautiful and Niall is a very lucky man” she whispered to me.

“Brookie! YOU look AH-MAZE-ING!!!” Kiara screaming startling Jordan.

Kiara jumped up to hug me and Georgia walked over to pick up her daughter, who now had a couple of stray tears rolling down her face from the fright she had received from Kiara’s sudden outburst.

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