Chapter 25

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A/N Special Kiara chapter because i felt like she wasn't in the story enough :D

Enjoy !! x


-meanwhile, a couple of hours later, on tour-

*Kiara’s P.O.V*

We were running. Where to? I don’t know! He wouldn’t tell me. But we were running through a forest in Ireland, since the tour had finished in England.

“Harry! Babe! Slow down! Where the heck are we going!?” I laughed in all the excitement.

“It’s a surprise!” He yelled, looking back at me. Just as he did that, he tripped on something and fell over. He still had a firm grip of my wrist, so I ended up falling over on top of him.

I looked down into his sparkly green eyes. He was smiling and chuckling and he was looking back into my eyes. I cupped his face and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around the small of my back, pulling me in closer, if that was even possible. He kissed me back passionately.

He broke apart laughing. I rolled off him and stood up, holding out my hand to help him up.

“Well, that was embarrassing,” he chuckled, “But it worked out well” I added, poking him in the side and we laughed. We continued on our way, but we were walking and he was holding me around my waist.

“Now can you tell me where we’re going?” I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

He shook his head cheekily, “nope, it’s still a surprise” he chuckled.

We walked for what seemed like ages, probably because I was anxious and excited to find out where we were going. Suddenly we stopped at a large black curtain hanging from a tree

“Close your eyes” Harry said, smiling. He was standing in front of me near the curtain.

I just stood there and eyed him suspiciously. He took a step towards me, our faces weren’t more than a few inches apart. I could feel his warm breath on my face.

“Trust me. Just close your eyes, Kiara.” His lips brushed over mine as he spoke. He was such a tease.

I did as he instructed and closed my eyes. I heard a noise, it must have been the curtain opening, but I also heard Harry walking around a bit. What was that boy up to?

I felt two strong arms reached around me and hole me tight. “Open, your eyes” Harry whispered in my ear and he pulled me close into his chest as I slowly opened up my eyes.

In front of my there was a lake with a cute old wharf. At the end of the wharf, out over the water there was a table set up with candles and a picnic basket. Tea-light candles were also lit down the edges of the wharf. The sun was only just about to set. The scene was beautiful.

I felt my eyes start to water and a tear ran down my face. I turned around to face Harry, still in his embrace; he looked down at me smiling. His smile dropped a little when he saw the tear.

“What’s wrong babe?” he said sounding concerned.

“It’s nothing, Harry, it’s…. it’s just…” I said shaking my head, I felt a smile grow “It’s just so beautiful and perfect and I’m thinking to myself ‘how did I ever get so lucky?’” I beamed and before he could say anything I placed my arms around his neck and pulled him into a sweet, lingering kiss. I could feel him smile into it and I noticed myself doing the same.

We parted and he held my hand, interlacing our fingers as we began to walk down towards the end of the wharf. The sun began to set and I looked to Harry. His charming smile was directed at me and his chocolaty brown curls bounced slightly as we walked, the colours of the sunset shining on each individual curl, making them stand out.

We sat down at the candlelit table and harry pulled the picnic basket up from the floor next to the table. He pulled out plates, cutlery, two glasses, a bottle of wine and a Tupperware container of spaghetti. He dished out our food and we began to eat.

We spoke a bit during the meal. But it wasn’t until after we had had dinner that we really got to talking. We had finished up our meal and Harry guided me back to the shore where he laid out a picnic rug.

We laid back together and stared up to the stars.

“This is beautiful!” I sighed, looking up to the stars that were slowly coming into view after the sun had set about an hour ago. It was starting to get dark, but there were plenty candles around, so we could still see quite well.

“Yes, you are…” Harry said quietly.

“Oh my god Harry, did you really just say that!?” I laughed, he looked at me with a smirk on his face but his eyes showed confusion.

“What? It’s true” He retorted with a chuckle.

“But it’s so cheesy!” I yelled through a laugh. We looked back to the stars and sat in a peaceful and comfortable silence for a few minutes.

“Babe, this was an amazing night. Thank you” I said, turning my head towards him to find his already looking at me. That made me blush; I didn’t know how long he had been staring at me instead of the night sky.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart. You are more than worth the effort” his eyes glimmered in the flickering candlelight. The moon shone overhead and gave everything a peaceful glow.

With that I rolled over onto my stomach, so that I was lying on top of him. I folded my arms over his chest and rested my chin on them. He folded his arms under the back of his head so that he was angled to look at me and I couldn’t help but notice the flexing of his Biceps. I traced his star tattoo with my index finger gently and he smiled.

He pulled me up and connected my lips with his. It was passionate and gentle, but not full of lust, but love.

We continued make-out and talk for a while in the fresh night air, but since it was nearing the end of autumn it was beginning to get cold. As we got up and headed back down the trail, we walked in silence.

“Haz, how did you arrange all of this?” I said in awe of what I had just experienced in the past couple of hours.

“A magician never shares his secrets,” he said sweetly and kissed me. His arm around my waist, pulling me strongly into his side.

We got back to the hotel got into bed. And I am glad to say that that night was filled with love and passion; it was a night that I would never forget.

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