Chapter 27

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*Georgia’s P.O.V*

I woke up at about 8am the next morning in Liam’s arms. I forgot how unbelievable just being in his arms made me feel. I watch as his chest rose and fell as he slept peacefully. I kissed her on the cheek lightly being careful not to wake him up, but the corners of his mouth just twitched into a soft, sleeping smile; which made my heart flutter.

I pulled his arm from around me, again being careful not to wake him, and placed a pillow in my place. I giggled to myself as he clutched around it instinctively when I let go of his arm.

I crept out into the hallway, closing my door behind me. Mum and Dad had left early that morning to go shopping or something in town.

I went into the kitchen and began to make Liam and I a cup of tea; I knew he would want one when he woke up and knowing him, that wouldn’t be too long. I had just finished making the cups of tea when, as if on cue, Liam came running out in his socks and sweat pants past the kitchen.

“Liam?” I called. He ran back towards the kitchen and tried to stop at the door but slipped over on the wooden floors. I couldn’t help put giggle in shock as my hand flew over my mouth.

He chuckled, embarrassed at falling over. And stood up like nothing had happened.

“What on earth were you doing?” I giggled as I stirred the tea.

“Well, I WAS looking for you. I woke up and I was snuggling a pillow. But then I recalled being kissed this morning and I thought to myself ‘well now, a pillow certainly didn’t do that!’ and I thought you had pulled a runner on me” he blushed a little and I did too.

I walked over to him with his tea, “Babe, I got up to make tea and anyway this is MY house, where exactly would I have run to?” I laughed and handed him the mug and I kissed him on the cheek.

“Thanks, Love.” He took a sip of his tea and I went over to retrieve my own mug, I turned and leant against the counter. Then I realised that he is standing there topless. I had completely forgotten that he always slept without a shirt on, but boy did he look good. He noticed my stares and walked over to me, placing his cup on the bench behind me.

I was still a few inches shorter than Liam, so I had to look up at him.

“See something you like then?” he said cheekily, wrapping his arms around me.

“Mayyyyyyybeee” I said, drawing out the word, and looking up into his warm, brown eyes.

“Are those pregnancy hormones kicking in Miss Georgia?” he smirked at me.

I just laughed lightly and smiled at him, “mayyyyyybeee” I said again.

He chuckled softly and l blushed a little but was interrupted by his lips brushing softly over mine. He was teasing me, almost trying to make me kiss him first. I wasn’t going to be giving up so easily though, I would win this.

I decided that two could play at that game. I let out a little gasp and brushed my lips against his before pulling away and going back to sipping my tea.

I looked at him and raised one eye brow, he just laughed. It was on like Donkey Kong, he knew it… and I knew it.

I walked away and sat on the longer lounge in the lounge room. I took a mouthful of my tea and set it on the coffee table. I flicked on the TV just as Liam came and sat next to me, he too put his mug down.

I turned on the lounge so that my legs were up on the seat with me and my back was leaning against his shoulder at an angle. I found a channel that we both agreed on. We watched it for about a half hour.

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