Chapter 24

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A/N did I trick you? probably not, my friend read this and she said that it was a little obvious that it would be Liam's.... oh well. Sorry if any of this is a little cheesy, but you know what? It's my fanfic and i happen to enjoy the  small cheesy moments in life. So deal with it haha.

 Thanks for reading. Comment, Vote, Fan..

Enjoy x


“Well, you see… the baby is yours.” I smiled weakly and waited for his reaction. He stared at me for a few seconds, his eyes started to well up and a tear fell from his eyes. A smile grew on his face.

“Georgia, are you serious!?” he smiled. I nodded.

“That’s… that’s great. Fantastic, actually! Have you told anyone else? This is amazing, Gee. Just…” He pulled me up and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back. He released a bit and kissed me on the cheek. He returned to his seat, he was so happy and excited that his legs were shaking. He continued to eat his sandwich with a huge smile.

“Well, mum was there with me and we told dad. But I made him keep it a secret. I guess that was why he kept pushing the fact that YOU had to take care of me and the baby, but seriously, Li, you really don’t have to…” I trailed off. He looked at me slightly shocked, but still happy.

“Are you kidding me, Gee!? You’re having my baby, of course I’m going to take care of you!” he laughed a little.

That made me feel safe, knowing that Liam would stick with me through this. It meant a lot.

We finished our sandwiches and headed inside.

“He knows…” I said as I walked past the lounge room where my parents were sitting. They both turned and smiled straight at Liam – who returned the sentiment, but his was more of a sheepish, awkward, but happy, smile.

“Gee, I have to go for a little while, to see mum and dad, but I’ll be back a bit later, okay?” he leant in and hugged me, we were in the hallway, so I wasn’t worried about my parents seeing us – not that was really anything to see. He leant in to kiss me, but I stopped him, putting my hand over his mouth. He just looked at me with confusion.

“Nice try, Li, but we’re technically not together, well – not dating anyway.” I smirk and removed my hand. He chuckled lightly and kissed the top of my head.

He walked around the corner, through the doorway and explained to my parents where he was going and that he would be back later, before dinner.

Then he was gone.

-time skip-

*Liam’s P.O.V*

I was on my way back to Georgia’s house. I was so happy to hear about the baby. It was mine and hers. Nobody else’s, just ours. I knew I was smiling like an idiot, but I didn’t care. I told mum and dad and they were thrilled. They said basically the same thing as Georgia’s dad had. It made me wonder if they had set us up from the beginning.

I knocked on the door and before long, Sheridan, Georgia’s mum, answered the door. She gave me a hug and invited me inside. My bags had been moved from the front lounge room, I don’t know where to, but I guess I can find them later.

“Georgia’s in the back lounge room,” she whispered and winked. I wasn’t sure why whispering was necessary, but I just smiled and slowly headed out to the back room. Georgia was sitting at the piano they had in there, playing a song that we used to play as kids.

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