Chapter 34

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A/N Sorry i've been so slack with the updating, i've just had alot on with assignments and all that :S But i'll try to put more up as soon as i can :)

Enjoy xx


-time skip (2 months)-

*Georgia’s P.O.V*

Louis and Zayn both bought apartments on the 8th floor, while Brooke and Niall, Liam and I and Kiara and Harry had apartments on the 7th.

So much had happened in the past couple of months had been so busy. Liam and I had bought an apartment with three bedrooms; one for him and I, one for the baby and a spare. The other two apartments had 2 bedrooms.

We had set up a nursery in one which was good seeing as though I only had about a month left. I’m not going to lie; it was freaking the hell out of me. I went to one birthing class with Liam and we both couldn’t stop laughing at how ridiculous we both looked so we stopped going.

The boys were working on their new album everyday on week days. We often went along with the boys management had even asked us girls to come up with some ideas for the photo-shoot for the album cover while we waited.

Everyone’s relationships were stable. Everyone had settled in to their apartments and Zayn had even started dating a girl, Cassie.


“Hey, Cassie is coming!” Brooke yelled as she came into my apartment with Niall. Kiara and Harry were sitting on one of our lounges talking when they came in.

“Who?” I asked.

“Oh My Gosh! Really? I haven’t seen her in years!” Kiara said, bouncing on the lounge. Harry just watched her in amusement.

“Like I said. Who?” I repeated, they obviously hadn’t taken any notice of me the first time.

“Oh, Georgie, you will love her! She’s so funny! Kiara and I knew her when we lived in Australia. She’s coming to England for a couple of weeks with her parents and she’s a HUGE One Direction fan” Brooke said, plopping down on the lounge next to Kiara.

“Who isn’t?” Harry exclaimed confidently, earning him a whack to his sensitive area from Kiara. He crumpled up on the floor after rolling off the lounge.

“Whyyyyy?” he whined, rolling around.

“Don’t be conceited babe” Kiara told him. Everyone was chuckling.

“Sorry, but could somebody get me some ice?” he was obviously still in a fair bit of pain.

“I’ll get it…” I said standing up. Liam began to get up too, but I pushed him back down on the lounge. He was still fussing over me, but he wasn’t as smothering now.

“Stay Li” I demanded but I couldn’t help but smile. He pouted adorably, so I leant over and pecked him on the lips.

When I returned, details of Cassie’s trip were in full swing.

“So she’s talked her mum and dad into letting her stay with us for the last week of their holiday. She can stay with Nialler and I, unless you want her to stay with you two?” Brooke motioned to Harry and Kiara.

I handed the ice bag to Harry and he immediately placed it over his crotch, wincing.

“Aww, sorry babe” Kiara said kissing Harry on the cheek.

“I forgive you, just please don’t do that again” he pleaded to her. She just smiled shaking her head, kissing his cheek again.

“Why doesn’t she just spend half the time staying at both of yours? Share her, I’m sure you both miss her” Liam suggested. Daddy Direction, always sensible and thoughtful.

“So when is she coming then?” I asked.

“4 days from now” Brooke said cheekily.

Not a lot of time to prepare but I was excited to meet her anyway

*end flashback*

Cassie was a lovely girl; she had long, thick curly hair. It was a really dark colour, almost black. She had dark tanned skin and brown eyes. Zayn met her and after only a couple of days, he really liked her. They had gone on a couple of dates, but they weren’t official.

It’s too bad that she’s was only staying for a week.

It was so funny when I met her; she acted as if I were famous to. I’m not, I’ve just known Liam for forever but I guess that makes me famous by association?

We were all now in Brooke and Niall’s apartment. Everyone was over watching the TV.

Louis was joking around with Eleanor, Zayn, Cassie, Niall and Brooke. They were having a great time. I was so happy that everyone was happy. We were like one big family. I guess that’s what we were; my mum had always said, ‘Friends are the family you choose’.

Harry, Kiara, Liam and I were having a conversation about when they thought I’d be due, since it was nearing the end of spring, and what they thought we would call her.

“Nah! Georgia already promised me that she would name it Larry!” Harry huffed at Kiara’s idea that we would call it Kiara.

“What? Larry? Really Georgia?” Liam turned to me, smiling but shaking his head.

“No. I didn’t promise you that. You said that I should call it Larry if it was a boy after you and Louis and I asked ‘what if it’s a girl?’ You told me that you knew plenty of girls called Larry” I pointed out.

“I am NOT calling her Larry, by the way” I said to Liam, who nodded thankfully in agreement.

“Someone call me?” Louis asked.

“No, we were just discussing baby names and we told Harry that we aren’t calling her Larry and you two” Liam replied.

“How about….. Jennifer, after me?” He asked happily, coming over and sitting on the lounge next to me. Cassie, being the Directioner she is, burst out laughing at this.

“Mmm, how about no?” I said playfully, laughing.

“Speaking of the baby, she’s kicking!” I exclaimed excitedly, there was immediately 9 other hands on my belly. I still hated feeling like a petting zoo but we were never all together when she was kicking so this time I made an exception. I looked up at Liam and he had the cheesy, stupid, proud grin on his face that he got whenever he felt her kick.

“Ohh, I think she’ll be big into football” Zayn said as he felt my belly.

“Football? I think you mean soccer” Cassie commented with a giggle.

“Oh do I now?” Zayn asked her cheekily.

“Yep” she retorted. They were a pretty banterous pair, but that’s what made them so perfectly cute together.

Niall got out one of his snapbacks and placed it in the middle of the coffee table.

“Okay, so how about we make a game of it? Everyone write down some names on piece of paper and put it in the hat. Liam and Georgia can pull out the names and get some ideas” he said in his cute Irish accent.

Once the hat was full, Liam started to pull out names. With each name he read out they got more ridiculous and everyone had a great laugh.

This was going on for about an hour. We now had a long list of thing we were NOT calling the baby, including; Rufus, Carrot, Zayn, Angelina the Ballerina, Patty, Maygan, Pistacchio, Nando, Peri (as in Peri-Peri), Zarry, Nouis, Lirry, Ziall, Narry, Ziam, Lilo, Niam and Zouis.

I was sitting on the floor now, next to Liam. We were all laughing hysterically when something felt strange, I turned to Liam.

“Uhh, Liam, either I wet myself or….” I said worryingly.

Liam’s eyes went as wide as saucers, he looked shocked.

“Ar.. Are y.. you serious!? It… it’s coming.. n-now!!??” he stuttered.

I nodded.

“SHIT!!” he cursed.

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