Chapter 5

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*Kiara’s P.O.V*

 Liam and Georgia set off by themselves. Harry and I went into the funhouse. We walked in and we were confronted with a room full of mirrors. We took turns pulling stupid faces in them and laughing, till we came to a full length mirror. I looked into it, my reflection staring back at me and my smile dropped as I pointed out my flaws to myself.

Harry came over and stood beside me, also looking at my reflection and watching me survey myself.

“Hey,” he said in his gorgeous, husky voice, before walking around behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, “I think you’re beautiful” he said, then kissed me on the cheek.

I turned around, still in his embrace, then wrapped my arms around his neck, looking into his bright green eyes, I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him squarely on the lips, before letting go and walking off into the next room of the fun house, smiling at him over my shoulder.

He played cat and mouse in the room of mazes. I looked around every corner to make sure he couldn’t sneak up on me, but as I rounded a corner, Harry grabbed my wrist and pushed me up against one of the walls gently.

“Caught you” he smiled, and then kissed me on the lips for a few seconds.

I smiled and let out a giggle, I could tell that I was blushing but I couldn’t help it. I looked up at his eyes, now full of happiness, “took you long enough” I giggled once again.

We walked hand in hand, through the rest of the house, no longer interested in it.

We sat down next to each other at one of the cafes and talked quietly over a cup of coffee.

*Liam’s P.O.V*

Georgia was so excited to be at an amusement park again; apparently she hadn’t been in years, since we went together. She challenged me to the bumper cars so we ran over to them and jumped in a car each.

She was so cute; she actually thought she could beat me. The buzzer started and the cars turned on, she zoomed off and I lost her in the crowd of other cars.

Suddenly there was a huge bump from behind, I must admit I wasn’t expecting it but I turned around to have a look at who it was. Georgia. She blew me a kiss and giggled at me. This sent butterflies through my stomach. Why? No idea. All I knew was that it was on like Donkey Kong.

“You’re in for it now Gee!”

“Nah, I always win Li! Remember?” she yelled and we both laughed.

We got off the ride laughing, back to old times. She is my best friend. “So why’d you decide for us to come here?” she asked. Her blue eyes sparkling.

“Well, I…. I remembered that this was where we spent our last day together before I had to leave, and we always used to come here to cheer you up. Always ended up being a great day as I recall.” I looked down at her as she elbowed me in the ribs and giggled. Was she blushing!? She was! I wondered why. I thought about this for a while then pushed it to the back of my mind. We were just friends.

We went on a few more rides and a couple rollercoasters then met up with the others for lunch. The others were telling us what they had been on and which rides we should try out.

After lunch we said that we would meet up at sunset to go on the huge ferris-wheel, it was almost as big as the London Eye.

-time skip-

*Georgia’s P.O.V*

The girls and I excused ourselves to the bathroom and said that we would go on the ferris-wheel when we got back.

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