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(👻CHAPTER 1.6👻)


ALSO! READ THE "YILING PATRIACH'S PROTECTOR" because you wont see me in SOUL SYSTEM OR PET SYSTEM 🤣 Only there atm. See you all soon!!!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


After Bai Zhīshì slammed the door shut, he saw the Third Princess flinched with a worried and scared expression surfaced on her face. Bai Zhīshì started to talk,

"I was actually a very patient man in terms of business and all, But You, T H I R D  G O N G Z H U, just have to make your visit extra "H E L P F U L" to our Hūatìan Teahouse. Before you start yapping nonsense of how royalties are above all! Shut your trap and listen well!"- The strong, arrogant and angry voice of Bai Zhīshì attacked directly to Third Princess as she pursed her lips and glare at him hatefully, but she did what she was instructed albeit reluctantly.

"First off! Look at the food on this table! That was made with blood, sweat, and determination of the Hūatìan Teahouse's Chefs and staffs to make good food for ALL to ENJOY! not waste like you do!(`Д')"- BaiZhīshì huffed and then pointed the close door behind him,

"Your palace maids are supposed to be one of the best jobs in this Kingdom- I REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT! YOU JUST WANT MORE SLAVES ON YOUR BECK AND CALL- YOU JUST GAVE IT A MORE BEAUTIFIED NAME! You lots are just a bunch of fat ass family who enjoyed to look down on people yet you actually want them to worship you- Even give their hard-earned money to your so called guards THAT ALL THEY DID WAS HARRASS AND TAKE MORE MONEY ILLEGALLY! DON'T KID WITH ME!(#`皿')"- Bai Zhīshì gritted his teeth in anger as he fiercely glared at the princess. The civil guards that were supposed to protect the people were the ones who were extorting money forcibly from the mass and doing nasty things in broad daylight! Tell him! Who in  the right mind would not get angry at that actions?!

"YOU'RE A PRINCESS OF THIS KINGDOM! A PART OF ROYAL FAMILY THAT WAS SUPPORTED BY THE MASS! YET WHAT DID YOUR FATHER EMPEROR DO FOR THE LAST COUPLE OF YEARS? IS IT ANY DIFFERENT FROM ALL THE KINGS BEFORE HIM! LOOK! LOOK OUTSIDE BRATTY PRINCESS!"- Bai Zhīshì walk towards her and pulled her up, opening the window to their right and let her face the drastic contrast of the Royal Palace and the slums in a small distance. Pointing to that direction, He watched as her face scrunched up in disgust and contempt.

"Hah! Your face is so ugly. That place is where most of your father's common people live! Your family extracted alot of gold and treasures from them, they practically have nothing left! While your so-called glorified castle was standing tall and all, the commoners are dying in plague that will later on affect you measly greedy royalties to death! Do you say your father was helping the kingdom rise to heavens? HIM AND HIS GREEDY BLACK-BELLIED OFFICIALS ARE ALL WAY-UP SOARINGS WHILE THESE PEOPLE ARE DOWN THERE STICKING IN THE MUD! WHERE'S THE JUSTICE!?!"- Bai Zhīshì tightened his grip on her arm as he close the window and leaned closer to the princess's face, way too close for that lady's liking. The expression on his face now scary and terrifying, she cannot help but shake on her own two legs while under his heated gaze.

"You on the other hand, Third Gongzhu, Is like a trapped bird in a golden cage. Fed with what you only need to know yet not with things that could actually save your pretty little life. Did you know that this small insignificant kingdom youre living in is just a small ant to other Kingdoms- no their not called kingdoms but Empires. So big they can iradicate this place, that tall walls on your so called homes and kill your "strong and brave" father. You're actually nothing but a pretty doll ready to be bargained for more power. Don't you know how venomous and deadly to live in the Palace? With all the women in the harem, plotting on each other, killing and poisoning one another just for the sake of winning your pig father's attention? Youre such a pure lotus; naive. pathetic. wimp. clueless and brainless. I wonder why such a person can be born in this way, Heh! *smirks* It must be in the genes, A greedy pig of a father and a poisonous vile and wicked mother. Fits you all too well. S N A K E."- Bai Zhīshì let go of her and sighed in relief. He finally, FINALLY! let out all his grievance, that was so good! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و

What he didn't notice was that the Third Princess was all dumbfounded, scared, confused, and unable to refute just like her earlier attitude. Seeing the lost and saddened look of the princess, Zhīshì made a soft remark,

"You're not actually entirely hopeless, you just need the intellect and backing to stop the bad endings I told you earlier. I mean sure, You love your Royal Family, but other than that they can just give you off to someone else as a good bargain for power.Heed my words, This kingdom is an ant to other Empires in distant lands. Your small life depends on how well you can survive. Danger is everywhere, You can loose your life anytime, Youre also a royalty, You have power to change the fates of others, just don't be too greedy and self-centered. AND HELP COMMON PEOPLE!"- in the end, Bai Zhīshì thinks that he just added more headache to her(¯∇¯٥), and he forgot the traditional speech while doing his sermons, hope she doesn't notice that...

For a while there was silence, Bai Zhīshi sat on the other side of the table facing her, waiting for her to speak. He watched as she look at him directly and open her mouth to speak. 

"You're two months younger than me, yet you actually have guts to reprimand me of these things? On what basis can you make me imply and use your heeds?"- As if all his anger and grievance blown away with the wind, Bai Zhishi was astounded. EXACTLY HOW IS THIS PERSON A PRINCESS?! TOO SELF-CENTERED! TOO BRAINLESS! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

"You bratty princess, Are you somehow deaf or just brain dead?! ALL the things I scolded you off, NOTHING WAS KEPT ON YOUR HEAD! HOW CAN YOU LIFT YOUR STUPID HEAD WITH PRIDE WHEN THERE'S NOTHING INSIDE IT!"- Bai Zhīshì clicked his tongue and look at her scornfully. That seem to do the trick because her face turns deep red and she glared at him hatefully.

"Remember our dispositions Third Gongzhu. I have the experience and knowledge of the outside world while you're just a sheltered little doll ready to be tossed and played by faggots. In terms of survival, I can assure you, You will have a pathetic death,"- Bai Zhīshì smirked at her scared reaction, must he use this means to get it inside her head? *sigh*

"W-What do you want?!"- Finally! The brain dead princess take the bait, Bai Zhīshì used his oh-so-good charms and smiled at her in a leisure manner,

"Oh, Not much, Just some couple of special guards, some gold teals and you acting as my voice"- again, The princess was at lost, Bai Zhīshì cannot stop himself from facepalming.

"It means you conveying what I addressed to the Emperor!"- The princess finally gets it,

"I also want you to come here every now and then to STUDY. This will help you open your (stupid, sightless, uncaring) eyes to the society you are taking part of as a royal"- Under the scorn of Bai Zhīshì's eyes, the Third Princess can feel that she is being badmouthed by this guy again. When all formalities were gone, Bai Zhīshì made her finish her food and treated her with the jelly with flower decorations inside. This hooks up the princess's tongue and asked for seconds, which was harshly rejected. She tried to bribe him but she got headchopped instead,


"If you want these jellies, You better be good and do my instructions and study hard! If not! You can only dream to see them ever again"- Bai Zhīshì got smug at the sorry state of the princess,

After that the third princess went off, Not without saying "This teahouse, good" and then she's gone, The staff and owner was crying in joy whilst its the opposite to Zhīshì,

'Good? this teahouse...G O O D?! YOU !%$^+÷=!/*@* GONGZHU! I'LL PROPERLY SUE YOU NEXT TIME! JUST YOU WAIT! HMPH!(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ '

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