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"Y/n! Hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Steve yells at me from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back in a hurry as I finish putting my h/c hair into a ponytail. I run downstairs and just as we are about to leave-

"Y/n! Why on earth are you wearing those pants? That is totally unladylike!" My mother says, giving me her usual disapproving look.

"Mom I love you but I'm not wearing a dress. They hurt my thighs." I respond. Again, she glares at me but I pull Steve's hand out the door before she can give me another lecture.

As we walk down the road, we laugh, recalling old memories and telling cheesy jokes. The laughing stops when we hear yelling from an alleyway. See, I'm a year younger than my brother, but I don't look it.

Steve's small, scrawny, and has about 15 different medical issues. That doesn't stop him from getting into fights. He just wants to protect people and I love him for it, but sometimes he can get in over his head.

Of course, Steve has to rush into the fray. I immediately follow after him and see three guys beating up one poor kid. My brother pushes them off and puts himself between the men and the kid. I urge the kid to run. He looks up at me with big brown eyes. "Thank you, Miss," he says gratefully, running on his way. By the time the kid's gone, Steve is getting his ass beat by one of the bigger guys.

I tap the guy on the shoulder and he turns around looking angry. Before he has time to react, I punch him in the face and push him away from my brother.

He backs away with a bloody nose, looking at me with disgust.  "Oh look, if it isn't the slut!" His friends laugh but I can tell Steve is fuming and frankly, so am I. Marching towards them, I hit the nearest one.

Before I can get any farther, the third guy grabs me and won't let go. Fear starts to take over and I start kicking and thrashing in his arms.

I'm about to scream when I feel the guy get dragged off of me. I turn around and see a new man beating him senseless. After he's finished the stranger turns to the two remaining. "Anyone else want a beating?" Of course, they all run.

I rush over to Steve and make sure he's all right. He has a bloody nose and busted lip but other than that he seems to be okay. I help him up and finally face the stranger. I'm taken aback, he's quite.... handsome.

He has short brown hair that's styled to accent his chiselled face. He has beautiful blue eyes that hold happiness and joy. I can't lie... he is beautiful. "Like what you see?" He questions jokingly. My cheeks heat up instantly but I won't let him think I'm just going to drool because of his charm, he seems like a player.

"No, I was just daydreaming of what plastic surgery could do for you," I reply, sarcasm dripping off of my voice. He puts a hand to his heart and has mock hurt written all over his face.

"Ouch. That's the thanks I get for saving you?" He questions, his eyebrow cocked.

I laugh, "Yes." And turn back towards Steve.

"My name is James, by the way, but my friends call me Bucky." He says from behind me.

"Are you saying that we're friends, James?" I question the boy, looking at a cut on my brothers face.

"Only if you want to be." His tone flirtatious. I quickly change the subject

"I'm Y/N Rogers, and this is my brother, Steve. What kind of nickname is Bucky, anyway?" I say while I stand up. Steve elbows me and I rub my side. Ja- Bucky just laughs

"I like you, Y/N, you're feisty," He says, seemingly lost in thought.

"Thanks. I know," I reply cooly, turning my back to make sure Steve is going to be okay.

"I think we'll get along real damn nice," Bucky retorts, smiling mischievously at me.

He gives Steve a hand up and we continue our walk to school.


Over the next couple of weeks, Bucky and Steve became inseparable. Even though they hardly knew each other they had become best friends. It made me a teensy jealous of how well they get along, even if Bucky and I are also good friends. I may have also developed a tiny crush on him. Oops.

Today the three of us are biking to school, Steve having asthma has to take it slow. Bucky and I race until I realize that poor Steve is being left behind. I stop and let him catch up. "You're just like Steve, you know?" Bucky says out of the blue.

"Is that a good thing?" I question. I love my brother but...

"Of course it is. You're both kind and caring, you put others before yourself, and you're both smart. One thing you have over Steve is beauty though. But don't tell him I said that." I laugh at his comment and my cheeks heat up.

"Thank you, Bucky. I think you are marvellous as well," I respond, for once in my life using my ladylike kindness.

"You have a beautiful laugh."

Steve finally catches up to us. "Hey, Y/N, you know what I remembered while I was trying to catch up?" He asks me. I shake my head.

"Today's Friday! So Bucky can come stay the night!" He says happily and starts peddling again. Oh, joy.

After school, we walk into our house and I smell the snacks our mother is baking. "We're home mom!" I yell into the kitchen.

"Y/N Y/M/N Rogers! How many times have I told you not to yell in this house?" My mother replies walking into the living area.

"Sorry, mom," I mumble back.

The first thing the boys do is put on a movie.

After the movie, we all stay up much later than usual. We talk about almost everything we can think of until our mother makes us go to bed.

That night I awake with tears running down my face. Another nightmare. I'll go to Steve, he usually comforts me.
3rd Person
As Y/N tiptoed to her brother's bedroom, a certain Brown haired boy happened to be thinking about her. Thinking about seeing her face and hearing her laugh. He didn't have to wait long, because that certain girl walked through the door
Regular POV
I walk into Steve's room to see if he's still awake. Whenever I have nightmares he comforts me. As I approach his bed I hear a different voice speak up. "Hey, what's wrong?" Bucky asks softly. I gasp, startled but sit on his mattress nonetheless.

"I don't want you to think I'm silly.... but I had a nightmare," I say quietly, I don't want him to think I'm weak.

"I don't think your silly, Y/N, I get nightmares all the time." He responds. I lean to him and he holds me close to his chest, whispering comforting words to me. I wish we could stay like this forever.

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