Poisoned Youth

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P.S. If you haven't read the last part (Cuddle Me Clifford) I would recommend you do. . . The statistics say that the reads dropped sixty from References. . . Btw, wow. Just wow. You people are committed.  AND THE GIF FOR THIS CHAPTER *fans self with hand* Wooooo.

Carry on. xx

I was nervous to say the least, when a radio station called management and asked to interview me specifically. To be even more specific they wanted to talk about my sexuality in general, nothing about our music, nothing about our album.

"Stop worrying Mikey, I'll be sitting right next to you. I may not be able to talk or announce I'm there but I am." Calum tried to soothe on our car trip there. None of the 5SOS family were waiting outside for our arrival because the radio wouldn't announce the interview until Calum and I were already safely inside the building. 

"What if they ask me a super personal question?" I exclaim, breathing heavily.

"What could they possibly ask you that no one knows?" He asks rhetorically, rolling his eyes and diverting his attention to the the framed and signed posters on the wall.

"They could ask if we're dating." My tone darkening at his carefree attitude.

His shoulders tense.

He pauses.

He takes a large breath.

He begins walking once again.

"Tell them the truth." He answers with a nonchalant shrug, as if he hadn't taken a moment to collect his thoughts, to understand the sheer impact of those words that were weighing down on my shoulders too.

"Tell them the truth?" I ask in disbelief, causing Calum to stop once again and look back at me. "What truth? I don't even know what we are." I continue loudly, throwing my arms up in the air to show him how ridiculous the idea is. 

"We're friends. That's the truth." Calum shrugs again.


Just like that, it rolled so easily off his tongue.

That word. One word.

Just like that, my fantasy shattered.

Friends. We're friends.

Just like that, my heart shattered.

"You now what? I don't think I need you next to me during the interview." I hold my chin up high, as if it could deflect that word.

I straightened up, trying to repel that word.

I squared my shoulders, hoping that word would leave me alone.

I maintain eye contact with the boy that wrecked my dreams, hoping he could see the hurt that my face wouldn't give away. Not only the hurt but the defiance.


I walk down the hall with a new found sense of pride, no longer needing the tanned boy to defend me from the world. I needed him to think the word didn't even faze me but at the same time I need him to realize




Its weird how one word can stop your world and then play it in reverse, like the world is suddenly devolving, I've been demoted to a friend.

I waltzed into the room alone, leaving my friend behind.

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