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So I guess thank you kkomaya AND Eliz for nominating me *deathglare* so here goes~ (I'm posting it here too, cause more people read it... it's on my Q&A as well~ enjoy~)


1. I speak 3 languages. German, English and French. I can understand Spanish as well and I know Latin... But Latin doesn't really count as 'speaking' because.... One does not speak Latin ;) At least normal people don't~ and I am also learning Korean and Greek now, maybe even Gaelic..... What can I say~ I'm a language freak ;D

2. I currently study Classical Studies at the University of St Andrews. And I'm pairing it up with Latin and Greek... Like I said... #freak For those of you who don't know what Classical Studies is: it's the study of the Ancient Greeks and Romans so Mythology and culture, community and all that jazz :D St Andrews is in Scotland in case you didn't know.... I love this city so much it's unreal.... <3

3. My favourite colour is green.

4. I'm good at art. Only portraits and similar things like that though... as soon as it goes into sculpting (which my mum is like Amazing at) or architectural sketches (my sister's the pro in this category) I'm lost.... If you want I'll make a collage and set it up as my background :'D hehe

5. Watercolours will be the death of me. I seriously suck t watercolours. Don't know why but I just can't paint with them. Give me acrylics or chalk or pastels- no problem; but watercolours? *shivers*

6. I'm 5'9'' or 175cm tall. Which is almost ridiculous~ Do you know how hard it is to find a guy that is actually taller than me? Most are my height or slightly shorter maybe a little taller but like I want a TALL GUY.... -.-

7. My Ideal Type is very vague. I'll take any as long as they're taller than me and have a deep voice *-* urgh... deep voices *dreamy* sorry...

8. I have four names. Legit. Kirsten Winona Viktoria Sophie. I'll explain: Kirsten after my godmother and mum's best friend, Winona is Dakota Indian for "the first-born" (was supposed to be my first name but my dad didn't like it....), Viktoria after one of my great-grandmothers, Sophie after my other great-grandmother.

9. If I ever have children I will call them Iain (if it's a boy) or Eilidh (if it's a girl). This is really random I know, but I can't think of anything interesting... sorry...

10. (I'm only on 10? Oh gods) Oh that's another one. I say GODS (yes plural). Ever since Classical Studies happened... Ooops... I also say things like "by Jove" or once when we were at the sea somewhere my mum said something about the water and I just shouted "Holy Poseidon" and walked away... I confuse her a lot :'D

11. Fave Kpop groups (in no particular order): EXO, BigBang, 2NE1, BTS, BlockB, TeenTop, B.A.P, GOT7, Crossgene, JJCC, M.Pire

12. Favourite songs atm include: Mental Breaker(BlockB), 닐리리맘보(BlockB), No Joke(BlockB), Whut's Poppin'(BAP), Badman(BAP), Boy In Luv(BTS), Growl(EXO), Love, Love, Love(EXO), Doom Dada(TOP), Breathe(GD), Follow Me(GOT7) and loads more ;)

13. I'm 18. I guess this is a fact? My birthday is the 26th of April...

14. I'm Taurus. For those of you interested in star signs

15. My absolute favourite topic in Classical Studies is the Vestal Virgins. The Vestal Virgins are the priestesses of Vesta the roman goddess of the Hearth. They had to tend to the eternal flame of Rome and it was believed that if that fire died out, Rome would fall. They were selected at the age of 6 and had to stay virgins for 30 years. That means that they would've been virgins all their lives since the life expectancy in Rome wasn't that peachy. Also if they happened to still be alive at that point- no man would take them because they were very obviously old. If they broke their vow of abstinence they were buried alive. Perks were though that you got like VIP access to all the events happening in Rome and you could also save criminals form their deadly fates.

16. I'm going to Greece in October. I am more than psyched to go as well~ *o*

17. My eyes change colour. Seriously! Usually my eyes are blue with a bit of green. When I cry they go completely green and sometimes in the sun they're grey or just clear blue. O.O

18. I'm a tea addict. I love drinking tea and I know a lot about tea, like what it's good for snd all that jazz, ye know? I JUST LOVE TEA. Period.

19. I love strawberries. They're like my favourite fruit EVER. Just~ I can't... urgh *strawberrieeeeees* <3

20. My favourite food is Kimchi ramen. Seriously love that stuff. I even have some instant ones with me at uni O.O haha

Okayyyy so that's it... I hope you... enjoyed that... I seriously had to think about this VERY HARD. It's hard to think about facts about myself.. ergh~ well I'll nominate @catherineduncan @jays43 @heyaitsstorm @MissChenChen @LayUnicorn1 @wildwoodgoddess @jiazhang_g99 @ImAFangirlingPro


Aaaand that's me and my two babies in Greece *love those two* we had this game going on where everyone was a god; I was Apollo and these two cuties were my minions AKA the two snakes on the caduceus~ hehe

Saranghae Kxx

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