Davey's P.O.V.

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After I put Jack down, I ran to anyone who needed help.

I grew up knowing that fighting was never the answer to solve a problem. I didn’t care at this moment. Jack was here, probably dying as we speak. I never took down a person so fast in my seventeen years of life.

I was furious on what they did to Jack.

What they did to my brother.

“Hey, snot nose!” a goon called behind me. I felt him elbow my head, causing me to be knocked down. I turned over and saw his fist prepared to come down on my nose. I covered my face, preparing for the blow.

“Hey…..what da?!” I heard him scream. I looked and saw Race who jumped on his back and was able to knock him over and out. He came back over and helped me up.

“Thanks, Higgins,” I said.

“No prob, Jacobs,” he replied. We both went back to fighting.

I kept looking out of the side of my eye to see if Jack was okay. Tommy-Boy and Buttons just knocked out this six foot something tall goon.

Mental note: never mess with those two when they are pissed.

I looked and saw Lizzy and Crutchie fighting off a guy bigger than both of them. He kicked Crutchie’s crutch out from underneath him. Lizzy went over to help him up.

I ran up to him and punched him straight in the face, causing him to be knocked out. I ran over to Lizzy and Crutchie.

“You okay?” I asked Crutchie. He nodded, heaving. Lizzy and I brought him to his feet. We got back into the heat of the battle.


I'm so sorry this part is so short! Tomorrow's part will not disappoint you guys, I promise. I hope you still enjoyed it!

Stay gold, Girlsies!


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