Part 10

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“Your man awaits, m’lady,” Specs teased as Lizzy stepped out of her room. She was wearing a dark blue long sleeved dress with a black sash tied around her waist that was a gift made by Mrs. Jacobs, Davey and Les’s mom. She had a silver laurel headband that Jack made for her when she was younger with her brown hair down in beautiful waves. She had these nice black boots that were Katherine's old ones, which completed her look.

“What do ya guys think?” she asked, sheepishly. The guys were in awe. They never seen a girl like Lizzy look so naturally beautiful.

“Perfect,” said Albert.

“Beautiful,” said Henry.

“The poyle of an erster,” said Race.

“The purttiest Juliet,” said Romeo.

“You'll knock him dead,” said Davey, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek. Lizzy blushed deeply and smiled.

“Thanks, guys!” she beamed. Specs offered her his arm and brought lizzy out to Crutchie, who was waiting in the front room.

“Ya lady has arrived,” Finch said, bowing as Lizzy walked through the door with Specs. Crutchie was amazed with her beauty. He flushed a deep red. Mush, who was standing next to Crutchie, whistled low.

“Good luck, boy,” he whispered into Crutchie’s ear. He shook out of his shock and smiled at Lizzy.

“Wowsa. Yous look amazing,” he complimented her. She giggled, not being used to this attention.

“Thanks. You look dashing,” she replied. Crutchie had a nice green shirt from Davey, polished brown boots from Race, a nice dark tan vest from Spot, and his hat was cleaned and patched, courtesy of Miss Medda. Crutchie grabbed Lizzy’s right hand and they intertwined their fingers.

“We’ll be back by nine, fellas,” he told the group. Saying goodbye to the newsies, followed by whoops and whistles, the two were off into the city of Manhattan for their first date.

*Time Skip*

“It’s lovely out tonight,” Lizzy commented. Crutchie just replied “Mhm” and was looking at Lizzy in the sunset as they walked down the street together. Wow, he thought, she looks amazing.

“Crutchie? Is something wrong?” Lizzy asked. Crutchie looks away, flustered.

“Uh, i-it’s nothin’, hehehe,” he nervously laughs.

“So, where’s we goin’? You did say wes had an “ideal date”, and I just couldn’t wait for ours shift ta end!” she exclaimed.

“Well, no more waitin’, Miss Kelly! Here’s we are!” Crutchie said, jestering to a small cafe. It was very cozy looking with some of the tables being filled by friends, couples, families, and candle light.

“Oh my...Crutchie! This must be-” she started. Crutchie cut her off by putting his hand on her cheek.

“Don’t worry ‘bout the cost. This just shows my love for ya,” he told her. She blushed a bit and smiled at Crutchie. He knew that this was a cut into his savings, but it was worth it to spend it with the girl he loved.

“This way, ma-dam,” Crutchie teased, offering his arm to Lizzy. She giggled and took it. The two walked in and sat down at a table. No one seemed to see two poor kids or even view Crutchie has different because he walked with a crutch. They saw a young couple in love and enjoying their night out.

Lizzy got herself her favourite treat. She remembered Jack always made it for her when they were little: hot chocolate with snickerdoodle cookies. Crutchie got himself a cup of coffee with a blueberry muffin. They just talked and laughed and enjoyed themselves as if they had no care in the world.

They left around seven-thirty. Crutchie led Lizzy through Central Park then down Broadway again. Not the she wasn’t happy, but Lizzy was curious on why they were back.

“Why wes back here?” she asked, looking at Crutchie for some sort of an explanation. He just winked at her and got something out of his pocket. He showed her.

“Two tickets to see the Tony award winning show, “Hamilton”, front row balcony seats!” Crutchie exclaimed. Lizzy was in pure shock. She knew that a single ticket could be close to one thousand dollars.  She looked at Crutchie.

“I won the ticket lottery for us ta go. I knew I wouldn't be able to afford a single one,” he confessed.

“Crutchie, this is amazing! I's just-” he cut her off with a peck on the cheek.

“C'mon miss! Wes have a show to catch!”

"We've Got Personality!"-A Crutchie Morris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now