Part 21/Jack's P.O.V.

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I’m glad I heard Lizzy’s voice. I wish my memory was better, though. It stinks not being able to help them...if I only could remember who them were. I was still reading my book when I heard someone knock on the door.

“Come in,” I said, not bothering to look up. I heard two people cross the floor.

“Hello, Mr. Kelly,” a nurse said.

“Hi,” was all I responded. I marked my spot and put down my book. Must be another test, I thought.

“Still reading The Santa Fe Trail I see?” she asked.

“Yeah. It’s real good.”

“Glad to hear you like it so much,” another voice said. I looked over to see Dr. Adams standing there, clipboard in hand.

“Hey, doc,” I replied.

“Mr. Kelly, will you please give me your arm?” the nurse asked. I held out my left arm, like usual.

Just another test. I was right.

Instead of putting the usual blue rubber string around my arm, the nurse started to get a shot ready.

“Woah, hey, hey, hey. What’s goin’ on he-ah?” I asked.

“Oh, I’m just going to give you a sedative. It’ll knock you out for a few hours,” the nurse explained.

“Hey, what?! Doc, what’s she-?” I turned to Dr. Adams, but something about his expression tipped me off. Then, realization struck.


“Oh, yes, Jack. I was the one who started the fire,” he said, putting down his clipboard, and taking off his glasses.

“But, why? What did wes do ta youse?” I can’t believe it. The one who was patchin’ me up tried to kill my family. What is going on?

“You see, I was tipped off that if I burned down the Lodge, maybe with someone inside, I would get paid. Not only would I take the money that you and those brats collected, but I could earn more,” he explained.

“Forst of all, those “brats” is my brothas and sistas. Youse had no right ta hurt them. Second, who tipped ya off?” I hoped the nurse wasn’t in on the plan. She seemed to be a bit shocked as well, but continued to get ready to give me the shot.

“Just a friend, who is of no concern to you. And so what, if that boy who went inside-David, if I’m right- was killed? More money for me, and one less mouth to feed for you.” I curled my fist tight. My knuckles were shining white.

“He has a brotha ta look afta, ya piece o’-”

“Nurse, give it to him,” he said. The nurse looked at me, tears in her eyes. I could tell she was forced into this.

I’m so sorry, she mouthed to me. I nodded to her, understanding she did not want this. She gave me the shot. I felt dizzy, my vision blurred, and I felt like I couldn’t move.

“You… won’t get away with this,” I said, trying to stay conscious.

“Oh, but you see, Francis, this is just getting started. Snyder will be very pleased to finally get his hands on you,” he said.

“S-Snyda….youse work for……..da Spida?”

“Shhh, Francis. I think you should get some rest,” he said. Then, my world went black. The last thing I remember was thinking-praying-that Lizzy would figure it out soon.

"We've Got Personality!"-A Crutchie Morris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now