Part 15

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“How many papes ya got left?” Crutchie asked Lizzy. It was the end of their shift a few days after they visited Jack.

“Uh, Ise got ‘bout ten papes. What ‘bout you?” she asked.

“Five. Man, that's fifteen dollas wes could use for our Thanksgivin’ dinner! And that's in one week!” he complained. Lizzy nodded in agreement. They might not have much, but the Newsies of New York get together for Thanksgiving every year, each bringing what they could make for one feast. Manhattan and Brooklyn always make the turkey, because one isn't enough for 130 newsies, boys and girls.

“Well, wes betta get goin’, Crutch. Wes gotta go let Davey, Les, Specs, and Race,” Lizzy said, putting her remaining papers into her bag. She didn't hear Crutchie respond, so she looked up and saw him sitting on a crate, with a twist of pain on his face.

“Hey, Crutch, youse okay?” she asked, approaching him. He looks at Lizzy, seeing her concerned.

“Yeah, Liz, it's just my leg. It's fine,” he lied, rubbing it.

“Here, lemme help ya,” she said, dropping her bag next to his. She massaged Crutchie's leg, right above and below his knee. Lizzy knew how to do this, since they were younger. At the time, only Jack and Lizzy could be near him, because Crutchie had trust issues as a little kid.

He sighed in relief. It was bothering him all day, but he didn't want to worry Lizzy. I have to be strong for her, Crutchie told himself, It's my job to protect her.

“Thanks, Lizzy,” he said smirking at her. Lizzy nodded and gave him his crutches so he could get up.

“Ya ready?” he asked, getting off the crate. Lizzy nods and picks up their bags, handing Crutchie his bag. He kissed her cheek to say thanks and the two were off to meet the others.

*Time Skip*

Lizzy and Crutchie met up with Davey, Les, Specs, and Race at Race's selling spot, near where Brooklyn and Manhattan meet territories.

“How did youse guys do?” Crutchie asks when him and Lizzy approached them. They all hung their heads. Les looked at his older brother, who looked back at him and squeezed his hand in his. This told Crutchie that it wasn't good.

“Three papes left,” said Davey.

“Ise got four,” Les said.

“Me and Specs both gots six left,” Race said, his Corona hanging from his mouth. Lizzy’s small smile faded, along with her hope's that they did better.

“Did you two do any better?” Davey asked. Lizzy shook her head, sadly.

“Nah, Ise got ten and Crutchie has five,” she complained.

“That's twenty-eight dollas down da drain!” Specs moaned. Race patted his buddy's back, giving him a half-hearted smirk. The six of them started their walk back to Newsies Square to pay what they didn't make.

The sun was starting to set and that made the temperature drop a bit, causing a chill to wip the group. Specs always wore a sleeveless shirt, and he didn't bring a jacket, so he was hugging his bare arms. Lizzy gave him her denim jacket that she had on her. Les started to get really tired, so Davey picked him up and Race took the young newsie's bag.

They got back and it turned out that all other ten newsies didn't sell a total of twenty-four papers. Jojo confirmed on his phone that was fifty-two dollars lost from a cruddy week of selling.

“All right, newsies! Pay up!” Oscar sneered. The group was already in a bad mood and they didn't need the Delanceys to make it any worse. Slapping their money down, the brothers were snickering, an evil grin on both of their faces. Lizzy went up and put her ten dollars down.

"We've Got Personality!"-A Crutchie Morris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now