Part 25/Lizzy's P.O.V

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(I made Lizzy going to battle. Anyways, enjoy!)

We marched to the Refuge. Spot and his Brooklynites were their waiting for us. I went up to greet him. I spat in my hand and he copied, and we shook.

"Wes he-ah for ya, Liz," he said to me. I nodded. I saw a crate next to Hot-Shot, one of the other boys from Brooklyn. I walked over and got up on it.

"Newsies!" I shouted getting their attention, "Wes goin' to da Refuge. It may be closed down, but be careful where ya step. Keep ya eyes open for Jack and for goons. Bein' out he-ah right now with no guards is too easy. Theys plannin' an ambush fo' sure. Have a each othas backs."

I looked into the eyes of each newsie there. In all honesty, I was terrified. I don't know what we could face in there, but, I wanted to guarantee that everyone here could return home alive. Unscathed? Maybe not, but alive is better.

"Now, let's do this! FOR JACK!" I screamed.

"FOR JACK!" they echoed back. Spot helped me down and we all got in front of the door. Spot, Hot-Shot, Race, and Albert were going to bust through. Race held up his hand to signal everyone to get ready. Fists were up, bats were ready to be swung, and slingshots were loaded.

Race put his hand down and the four of them hit the door using the side of their arms, busting it open.
I looked around the room, hoping to see Jack.

"Liz, look!" Henry whispered to me. He pointed a bit off to his right and I saw Jack, tied up to a post. He looked liked he crawled through hell.

"Fellas, cover me!" I said loud enough for the group to hear me. I ran as fast, and quietly, as I could to Jack. I held his face in my hands and took the gag out of his mouth. It was covered in blood.

No, Jack, please! Don't be dead! I thought. I put my head against his chest. He was breathing, thank gosh, but it was very shaky. I heard him gasp. I looked at him.

"Lizzy?" he said, very weak.

"Shhhh," I hushed. I took my pocket knife out of my pocket and went to his hands to cut them free.

"Davey! Crutchie!" I whispered-yelled to them. They came over to where I was. Davey got down next to me while Crutchie kept his slingshot up.

"Help me get these chains off o' him!" I said to Davey. He nodded and his hands flew across the chains, looking for a weak spot to pull them apart.

"D-Dave?" Jack said again.

"We're here, Jack, don't worry," he said, putting his hand on Jack's. Jack squeezed his hand and gave a small nod. I was able to find a weak part in the chain, so I nudged Davey and he helped me to break it. I slung Jack's left arm over my shoulders and Davey slung his right arm over his so we could help Jack get out of there.

"Well, well, well," I heard someone say. I saw a man come into the light of the room.

"Snyda," I growled. I hated that man. He threw my brothers in the Refuge and many other kids. He basically was killing them very slowly by starving them and whipping them. I hated him.

"Long time, no see, Miss Sullivan," he said. I gritted my teeth.

"The name's Kelly," I sneered.

"You and your brother both," he said, shaking his head, "Well, missy, don't think you'll be leaving here with your brother so easily." He snapped his fingers and his men jumped out of nowhere. I saw a ripple of shock hit the fellas.

"Davey, youse get Jack away from da fight," I whispered to him, taking Jack's arm off my shoulders. Davey nodded to me.

"," Jack started to say, He put his hand on my cheek. I grabbed his hand and I pressed my lips to it.

"Youse worry 'bout ya self, Frankie," I said. Davey started to walk away to put Jack down where he wouldn't get more hurt than he already was. I faced Snyder, fists clenched and an evil stare in my eyes.

"I'll take youse," I said to him.

"Oh, you know, I just take what's left from the fight," he said.

"Newsies!" I called. "SOAK 'EM!" The guys yelled and each took a goon. I took on two of them. I was with Crutchie. He fired rocks and marbles at the goons from a far. I tried to keep an eye on all the newsies.

Finch, Elmer, Smalls, Mush, and Jojo seemed to be doing alright.

Specs, Romeo, Race, Albert, and Henry had taken a good swing at the goons around them.

Spot and his Brooklynites and Mike and Ike were taking a goon down, one after another with ease.

Tommy-Boy and Buttons were holding their bats ready, protecting Jack. A few goons went over to them, but with only a few swings, all five were down unconscious on the floor.

I was starting to think we actually had a chance.

"We've Got Personality!"-A Crutchie Morris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now