Author's Note

381 10 12

Hey, guys, gals, amd non-binary pals!!! (Yes, I stole Thomas Sanders' line😁)

This is it. The end of "We've Got Personality!" has come. (I'm not crying😭😭😭😭😭😭. Okay, I lied. I'm sobbing right now.)

I just wanted to thank every reader who stuck with this story from the beginning!

A special thanks to all of my fellow Girlsies: Aisling, Sarah, Luna, Brianna, Becky, Rose, Cassie(Arts), Liv, Marina, Lillian, Tabitha, Erin, Brienna, Grace, Tamara, Evelyn, Ginger, Melony, Evie, and Daria!

Girls, thank you so much for all of your support and I love every single one of you! You all have a special place in my heart. You welcomed me to the Wattpad community and became part of #GirlsiesUnite. I cannot even thank you all enough for how grateful I am to have met such wonderful girls! I love you all!!

A very special thanks needs to go to my BFF, Ilovethearts1:

Cas, you've been with me since I told you about this story. You've helped me with writing, editing, and the craziness with this story that took over my life. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful person like you in my life, and could not be so thankful for you supporting me all the way through. Thank you, Cassie, and I love you!

Once again, thank you all for loving this story! I am thinking about writing a sequel to it, so, let me know in the comments what you think.

"I have something to believe in, now that I know you believed in me" because you all helped me "seize the day" with this story, and now my "poor...head is spinning" because it's all over. We "watch[ed] what happen[ed]" with this story and now "the world will know" that "once and for all" I will always be "carrying the banner" with all of you!

 We "watch[ed] what happen[ed]" with this story and now "the world will know" that "once and for all" I will always be "carrying the banner" with all of you!

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I love you guys!

Stay Gold!

-Lizzy A. Kelly

"We've Got Personality!"-A Crutchie Morris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now