A Message

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Voice 1: Is this thing workin? Ise never used a video camera befo'.

Voice 2: Ise think so, Liz.

Voice 3: Yeah, it is. See? The light's on, which means it's recording.

Voice 1: Okay. So, do youse fellas want me ta go?

Voice 3: Yeah, it's probably best.

Voice 2: Ladies forst!

Voice 1: Haha, okay.

Hello readers! Ise Lizzy Kelly.

Voice 2: Ise Crutchie Morris

Voice 3: And I'm Davey Jacobs.

Lizzy: Wes here ta tell ya guys that wes are taken questions 'bout us, what wes do, and anything really.

Davey: The author of our story is also taking questions about themself, what they like to do, and their life. They said though they will answer questions about future parts of the story and do their best not to spoil anything good.

Crutchie: Wes gonna answer what wes can and have the fellas come too, if ya have any fo' them, seein a bunch of "fansies" on here.

Lizzy: So, send us what youse wanna know by commentin in this part of da story, and we'll back ta ya on them this Friday!

Lizzy, Crutchie, Davey: Bye!

"We've Got Personality!"-A Crutchie Morris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now