Q&A Part 1

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Lizzy: Hey readers. So, Ise saw Davey posted somthin' 'bout da Q 'n' A wes have, and Race butted in, like the annoyin' boy he is.

Racetrack (background): HEY!

Lizzy: So, wes wanna thank aislingkiley for givin' our author her questions and the comment.

Wes gonna answer the ones wes have now, but, please keep 'em comin'.

Jojo: Okay, this one is from Broadway_Nerd8:

Can youse talk 'bout da refuge, Jack 'n' Crutchie?

Crutchie: Okay, uh, well, Liz here can vouch for Jack.

So, from my experience, it was terrible. It's dark, cold, always smells like mold, dirt, dust, and, well, Ise ain't gonna draw the rest. Rats practically crawled everywhere. I was on the top bunk of one of da beds, with another boy, his name was Dallas, and he was 17 at the time. Ise don't know the three underneath us. I hated it there. Ise wish I could've escaped, like my letter said, but this leg o' mine sang a different tune.

So, Ise glad it's gone for good. So, on to youse, Lizzy.

Lizzy: Okay. From the stories Jack told me when I was little, it was as terrible as what Crutchie described. Nothin' really has changed. Jack always said he gave up his food and, if given "new" clothes, to the weaka and younga kids there. He said it hurt him more ta see the kids thrown in there, whether theys did somthin' or not, than ta be away from the newsies, even though he still loves youse guys.

Les: What 'bout that grand escape he had?

Lizzy: Evrybody knows that. It's rumored he escaped on the back of Teddy Roosevelt's car. Though, wes all know Jack that he possibly made that up.

Buttons: Yeah I agree. So, this one is also from Broadway_Nerd8:
Lizzy and Crutchie, why do ya like Newsies and how much do ya like it?

Theys also say they love it and know all of da songs and theys is workin' on knowin' all of da lines, too.

Theys also say they love all of us.

Specs: Awwww, wes love ya, too, Broadway_Nerd8!

Lizzy: So, Ise love "Newsies" 'cause it tells our tale, and the music and dancing are so cool, and da people who play the fellas and Kath are real good at it. On a scale of 1 ta 10, Ise give it a 10 for how much Ise love it.

Crutchie: Ise love "Newsies" 'cause it gave us our voice. Not just us, but, it showed that wes weren't the only ones fightin' battles like standin' up to the olda folks. Kids like us are now learnin' ta take a stand and seize their own day. And, on da scale, a solid 10.

Albert: So agree with that.

Racetrack: Dido.

Smalls: Wes all do.

Spot: That was some speach, Crutch.

Romeo: Yeah, so, this one is from aislingkiley:
For da author, who is your favorite newsie?

For Mush, is he datin' anyone, 'cause he is one of their favorites.

For Liz, what is her favorite color?

And, to all of us, they say wes are amazin' no matta what anyone says bout us.

Albert: Awww, thanks aislingkiley!

Mush: 😘😘 And, no, Ise single.

Lizzy: So, my favorite color is straight up is sea green. Ise always like it.

Davey: For the author, I got her on a Face chat............Hey!

Author: Hey guys, what's up?

Finch: There's a question for ya. Who's your favorite newsie?

Author: Oh, gods. Uh,..........I have two, and I can't choose! I mean, I love all of you, but, I have two.

Racetrack: Who? One of 'em me?

Author: Shut ya trap, Antonio Ryan Higgins.

Racetrack: *gasps as if offended*

Author: My two favorite newsies are Davey and Crutchie, from, like, the start I've liked these two.

Davey because I know how it feels when your "that smart kid" and I just think he is a really cool character that we see develops throughout the story.

Davey: Aw, thanks!

Author: You're welcome!

I like Crutchie because, (a) who doesn't? And (b), I think it's totally awesome [Henry and Romeo: *whispers* STARKID QUOTE!] to have a character who is disabled to show that they are just as tough as the others and not the angelic and innocent one.

Crutchie: Dat's true😊.

Author: That all?

Davey: Yep, thanks again!

Author: No problem, guys. Bye!

Newsies: Bye!

*Davey hangs up*

Lizzy: So, there ya have it! Please keep questions comin' and wes will get back to ya.

Davey: And thank you all for the amount of reads this story has reached so far. It means more than you know.

Crutchie: See ya people next time!

Newsies: Bye readers!

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