Part 5

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The fire was out in ten minutes. Everyone was being ten to. Lizzy and Crutchie were at Jack's side.

"," Lizzy wept in between sobs. Crutchie was rubbing her back while his other hand was on Jack's burnt one.

"He'll be alright, Miss Kelly. We'll keep him stable," the doctor said. He put his papers in his case. "We'll keep you up to date on his condition. Good day, Mr. Morris, Miss Kelly." They picked up Jack and put him in the back of the truck. Lizzy just sobbed into her hands while the medics and firemen were packing up.

"C'mon, Liz. Let's go with the guys, okay?" Crutchie said softly. She wiped her eyes, got up and walked over to Jack. She kissed his forehead and left to go with Crutchie.

"Miss Kelly!" a nurse called. Lizzy stopped in her tracks. The nurse ran over to her. She was carrying a little rug-sac in her hands.

"These are your brother's belongings. I also have this." She pulled out Jack's brown cap. "I-I believe he would want you to have his things. Your friend there, Mr. Morris, has the address of the hospital. You can visit him anytime, okay, honey?" she said. Lizzy took the rug-sac and Jack's hat from the nurse.

"Thank ya, ma'am," she said quietly, staring at the ground. The nurse patted her cheek and went back to the truck and climbed in. Lizzy turned on her heel and went to join the other newsies, hearing the truck roar away, breaking her heart as each inch increases the distance between her and Jack.

"What's that?" Henry asked when she reached the group. Lizzy unfolded the sac. It had Jack's pocket watch, his sketchpad and pencil, and two pictures: one of him and Katherine on their 5th year anniversary and the other of him and Lizzy a week before she started. With the help of Mush, Davey came over with the bandana and gave it to Lizzy.

"Liz, I'm so, so, sorry. I-" Crutchie cut him off.

"So, what are wes gonna do without him?" Specs asked. Lizzy looked at Jack's cap, spinning it in her hands. She tied up the sac and put on his hat.

"I know what wes gonna do. Wes gotta work harda. Not only for our home, but for Jack," she claimed.

"But how? He's our leader," Les said. Lizzy heard the doubt in his voice. She sighed heavily.

"I ain't Jack, but I is a Kelly. Wes work hard, like we did for the strike. Wes gotta do what we can. The papes don't have good headlines, wes make 'em up. We do whateva we can to get on our feet again," she said. She looked in the eyes of each in every newsie there was present. "I maybe the only goil newsie in Manhattan. If I'm anythin' like my brotha, I can lead a group. So, what do us say, newsies?" She waited for someone to speak up. Anyone would have worked. She needed one person on her side.

"Now is the time," Crutchie said, each newsie putting their hands in the center of the circle.

"To SEIZE THE DAY!" they cheered as one.

"Let's show what the Newsies of New York can do!" he yelled, another cheer following.

"We've Got Personality!"-A Crutchie Morris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now