Back at the Gates/Crutchie's P.O.V

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Seeing Lizzy so upset and angry broke my heart. Not only do I love her as my girlfriend, but she has always been like a sister to me, and she’s also my best friend.

She’d never hurt anyone of us. When she hurt Al and Dave, it surprised me. I mean, if she soaked the Delanceys, I was going to be cheering her on, but, still, I’d never seen her act this…….rash? I thinks that’s the word.

I wish my bum leg didn’t hold me back. I tried to go after her when she ran off.

“LIZZY!” I called, but she didn’t hear me, nor even bother to turn around. She ran out of the gates, fast as lightning.

“C’mon, lets head back!” I ordered the others. Everyone grabbed their bags and started to head off back home. We thought she was at home, so, we took our time. Davey stayed behind with me, though he was kind of limping.

“Ya okay, Dave?” I asked him.

“Yeah. Lizzy can kick good. Gosh, my foot hurts,” he said, inhaling sharply when he took a step. Albert was doing better, but I knew he had a pancake sized of a bruise on his leg from the girl.

We got back and went to the beds. Lizzy wasn’t there, so I assumed she went on the rooftop. Smalls went up, and when she came back down, she said Lizzy wasn’t up there.

“Look! Most of her stuff is missin’, and the winda is wide open,” Mush pointed out.

“Oh, God....,” I was terrified. Lizzy was gone, and this is such a big city, she could be anywhere by now.

“Where could she be?” Race said. I looked Davey, who merely returned my expression.

“Tell everyone. Spread da word. Search each borough. Wes gotta missin’ newsie!” I ordered each of the fellas to search a different place. Race texted Spot to let him know. Woodside, Queens, Flushing, Richmond, Bronx...all of New York City had to be on the watch for her.

“Listen up, newsies! Lizzy’s gone. Split up in groups, search high and low of our territory. She can’t have gone far!” I said. Everyone split up.

Davey and I stayed there. I was so terrified, I was shaking. Davey sat next to me and told me that everything will be alright. Lizzy is a tough girl, and she can fend for herself.

“After all, she is a Kelly.” It was around midnight when the groups returned.

“Well?” I asked, hopefully. I needed some piece of news. Anything. I didn’t care if it was bad. I just wanted to know she was found.

“Not down Broadway,” Specs said.

“5th Avenue is clear,” Albert said.

“Rockafella is empty,”Romeo replied.

“And Central Park is deserted,” Katherine said. She was with Mush and Henry. They must have brought her with them when they went out. My hope was gone, along with Lizzy.

“Well, let’s head back-” I started to say, grabbing my crutch to get up. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder.

“Charlie, let’s look tomorrow. We’re all tired and we are scared for Liz, but we don’t know how you feel about it. It’ll be easier to search in daylight,” Davey said.

“Fine. Youse stay here. I’m goin’,” I stated. I marched to the door.

“Charlie,” Katherine said.

“Look, Ise ain’t gonna wait around like the rest of youse! My goilfriend is out there, and Ise need ta know where. I ain’t never gonna fo’give meself if somethin’ eva happened to her!” I shouted. Some of the guys looked shocked. I don’t raise my voice a lot, so, I can see why they got nervous.

I huffed, “Look, raisin’ my voice ain’t doin’ nuttin’, I know dat. But do any of ya remember Jack’s last word to us before he went into da fire? He said I was in charge. Lizzy may have taken his place, but Ise still feel responsible for whateva happens. That was my brotha who ended up almost dead because of da fire, and I ain’t gonna let dat happen to his sista.” I didn’t realize I was shaking so badly from fear and anger. Race walked up to me, and pulled me into a tight hug.

“We will find her, Charlie. Ise swear ta ya, on my Corona,” he said. I laughed into his shoulder, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks. I hated it when the boys had to see me be weak.

“Thanks, Antonio,” I said. He squeezed me tighter to him, then backed up, his hands resting on my shoulders. I wiped my eyes, quickly, and met Race’s big brown ones. He smiled at me, and I returned it. We all got ready for bed in silence.

Katherine stayed over with us that night. We gave her Lizzy’s bunk. It made me even more depressed, so I went to the rooftop. Was it smart doing so in November? No, but I’m glad that I went up there. I put down the blankets and grabbed my pillow. I put my crutch next to me. I looked up at the gray moon.

“Oh, Lizzy, where are ya?” I asked it.

"We've Got Personality!"-A Crutchie Morris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now