Part 27/Crutchie's P.O.V.

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I held Lizzy’s hand in mine. She looked so pale, so weak……….so still. The heart monitor beeped, indicating that she was alive, but I was terrified. I still felt hot tears running down my face.

“Oh, Lizzy,” I said. I pressed her fingers against my lips. I wish she would wake up. I just need to know that my girl was still here. I need to see her sparkling eyes, her beautiful smile. I longed to hear her sing, laugh, or even cry. I just wanted her to be with me.

I heard a knock on the door. I turned around and saw Jack standing there. I felt like I was going to start bawling again.

“Hey, Charlie,” he said. Forgetting my crutch, I got up to meet him and Jack quickly moved towards me and caught me in his arms before I could fall. I hugged my brother tight.

“Jack……...Ise sorry. I-I wasn’t good enough,” I wept into his chest.

“Hey, hey,” he said. I felt his hand on the back of my head. “Don't ya know, that wes a family? Would I let you down?” I looked up at him and he smiled at me.

“No way,” I said. He moved my bangs out of my face. Jack helped me back to my chair and leaned against it from behind me.

“How’s Liz doin’?” he asked. I took a deep breath before I could respond.

“She’s doin’ okay. The doc said that she’s stable and that she just needs rest. Lizzy should be able to go home by Wednesday,” I told him. I just heard Jack sigh in response.

“Hey, Crutch,” I heard Spot say, “wes gonna head back ta da ‘Hattan place, m’kay?”

“Uh, yeah. Okay, Spot,” I said, turning around to look at him. He came up and held out his hand. I shook it. Race and Albert left with Spot.

Only me, Kath, Jack, Davey, and Les were left in the room. Katherine took a seat on the other side of Lizzy. I saw Davey take the couch that’s by the window, which is about three feet away from where Kath was sitting. Les sat next to him and curled his legs up to his chest. Jack seemed unsteady so he was pacing the room.

“Youse okay, Jackie-Boy?” I asked him.

“Mhm? Oh, uh, yeah, Crutch. Ise fine,” he said, giving me a smirk. I looked over to Katherine and then Davey.

He’s not fine, we all mouthed at the same time.

“Jack,” Katherine said getting up, her pink skirt swishing by her knees. He looked at her and hugged her.

“She’ll be fine, Jack,” she said, comforting him. I heard Jack crying. I felt so bad for him. Lizzy may be my girlfriend, but that’s Jack’s little sister lying there. I never could understand what he’s going through. This is probably the worst thing he experienced since the fire.

I looked back at Lizzy. I was still holding her hand. I kissed her hand again. I heard Lizzy gasp. Her eyes opened and she looked over at me.

“Charlie?” she whispered. I wanted to cry, I was so happy.

“Lizzy,” I said. I squeezed her hand. My tears were still there from before. I was relieved to see Lizzy awake.

“Where…...where is I?” she asked.

“Relax, Liz,” Katherine said, coming to her other side again, “you’re in the hospital. You went under surgery and you’ll be here till Wednesday.” Lizzy didn’t respond, but I knew she was tired. Lizzy seemed to be taking in the room.

“Jack?” she said, quietly. I saw him look at her. He walked over to me and put his hand on her arm.

“Liz,” he said, still crying, “I thought I was goin’ ta lose ya.” She gave a small laugh.

“Ya can’t get rid o’ me dat easily,” she said. Jack gave a breathy laugh. Lizzy looked back over at me and smiled.

“Aw, Charlie, don’t cry,” she said. I got up and kissed her forehead.

“Youse get some sleep, Liz. We’ll be here with ya,” I told her. Lizzy looked like she wanted to protest, but she fell asleep before she could. I rubbed my thumb across her the back of her hand.

“I’m gonna drop off Les back home and I’ll head back,” Davey said, picking up his sleeping brother. Jack patted Davey on the back.

“Okay, Dave. We’ll be he-ah,” he said. Davey left the room.

“I’m going to grab something from the cafe,” Kath said, “you guys want something?”

“I’ll just have a water, Kath,” Jack said, “ya want somethin’, Crutch-o-saurus?”

“Naw, thanks, though, Katherine,” I said to her. She nodded at me. Jack kissed her cheek before she left the room. I was still holding Lizzy’s hand. Jack pulled up a chair next to me and we sat there in silence, with the occasional beep from the monitor.

“So,” Jack said, breaking our silence, “how long have youse been togetha?” I felt my cheeks go red.

“Uh, ‘bout four, maybe five, weeks?” I said nervously. I waited for Jack to scold me or something for not telling him I was dating his little sister. Instead he smirked and slung his right arm around my shoulders. I looked at him confused.

“Ise glad a guy like youse is with my sista,” he said, still looking at Lizzy. “She’s lucky ta have a fella like ya.” I grinned at him and sighed in relief.

“Thanks, Jack,” I said.

“No problem-o, Crutchie.”

"We've Got Personality!"-A Crutchie Morris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now