Part 28/Third P.O.V.

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It was Wednesday, and Lizzy was released from the hospital. She had to keep her side wrapped for a month until the wound healed. The Newsies were really happy when she returned. They planned a party for her.

“Newsies!” Jack said, calling them to attention. The Brooklyn boys that were at the fight were there along with Katherine and two boys she worked with, Bill and Darcy.

“Wes he-ah ta celebrate the return of my little sista, Lizzy,” he said. Everyone applauded. Jack held his hands up to silence them.

“Ise want to thank her personally for being an amazin’ leada while I was gone. But, there’s anotha reason though that dis day should be celebrated,” he said. Jack looked over at Specs and he turned off the lights. Lizzy looked over at her brother for an explanation.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, Lizzy saw candle lights. Les came out from the kitchen and was carrying a cake. Davey was filming on his phone from behind. The newsies started to sing her “Happy Birthday”. Lizzy completely forgot about her own fifteenth birthday.

“Go on, Liz,” Crutchie said next to her, “make a wish.”

“Thanks, fellas,” she said. Lizzy closed her eyes, then blew out the candles. The Newsies cheered. Jack pulled the candles out and started to cut the cake and pass the slices out to the Newsies.

“So, what did ya wish for?” Crutchie asked.

“Many long, happy, ye-ahs with my family. Why would I wish fo’ somethin’ else when Ise got everythin’ right here?" she said. Lizzy looked over at Crutchie. He started to lean in to kiss her. Instead, he smeared icing on her cheek.

“Crutchie!” she squealed, as if she was offended. She took the icing from her slice and wiped it in his nose. They were both laughing.

“Aw, c’mere,” Lizzy said. She grabbed the front of Crutchie’s shirt and pulled him into a kiss, the Newsies cheering around them. Crutchie pulled away after a minute or two.

“This is goin’ ta be da start of somethin’ amazin’,” he said.

"We've Got Personality!"-A Crutchie Morris Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now