I've Been Tagged

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I was tagged by heythatsmycigar, so check out their work cause they are awesome!!!

So, I'm just following the rules here. Let's go!

1) Hair Color
I have shoulder length, wavy, brown hair.

2) Eye Color
I have blue-green eyes.

3) Favorite Book
My favorite book.........geez. I have so many! I guess my Top 3 go to books would be "The Outsiders" by S. E. Hinton, "Harry Potter" by J. K. Rowling, and "awkward" by Svetlana Chmakova.

4) Favorite Color
I like blues and greens.

5) Last Song Heard
The last song I heard was "King of New York" from the Broadway show of "Newsies".

6) OTP
Now, I had to look this up, so, bare with me. I have a few, so, they include MichaelxJeremy, JakexRich (Be More Chill), Lams (Hamilton), Drarry, Romione, Nuna (Harry Potter), Jatherine, and JackxCrutchie (Newsies).

7) Favorite Animal
I freaking love Corgis!!!! They are so adorable!!!!

8) Favorite Smell
Ah, we're asking my Amortentia now, aren't we? So, I love the smell of old books, spring breeze, lavender, and a bonfire.

9) Favorite Song
Oh gosh, I have so many! Uh, well, my favorite song would definitely have to be "Baby Girl" by Sugarland. I've lived by that song since I was a kid. Music isn't the career I plan on going with, but the message of the song is what I take to heart, which is I will always love my family cause they will always support me and be there for me, even when in my eyes, I am failing.

10) Job/What You Want to do When You Grow Up
I want to be an archaeologist then "retire" to teach American History at the middle school I went to. Maybe be a writer, too.

11) Favorite Game
My favorite game is definitely "Just Dance 4".........don't judge.

12) What You Would Do With a Million Dollars
Oh, easy, I would give half to my parents then take my half and split that in half to give to charity. I would save whatever I had left for future purposes.

13) Crush
Look on my profile for my crushes, but right now, I am obsessed with Ponyboy Curtis, Davey Jacobs/Ben Fankhauser, and Andrew Keenan-Bolger.

14) Anime/TV Crush
I don't really watch a lot TV in general, but I do have a crush on Chat Noir from "Miraculous".

15) Favorite Food
My favorite food is olive pizza, specifically, home made pizza.

16) What You Got for Valentine's Day This Year
Okay, Valentine's is not even here yet, but last year, my (ex)friend and I gave each other little chocolates.

17) Whoever You Think Could Win a Battle Easily
I want to see the Greasers from "The Outsiders" fight the Newsies. That would be entertaining. It would be like:

Ponyboy vs. Davey
Darry vs. Jack
Sodapop vs. Racetrack/Albert
Dallas vs. Spot
Two-Bit vs. Finch/Elmer
Steve vs. Henry/Jojo/Specs
(You guys do whatever else pairing. Leave 'em in the comments)

Then you would see, like, Johnny, Crutchie, and Les off on the side being like, "What the hell is going on?"

18) Best Friend
I have only a few close friends.

19) Are You a ZE Bus Driver?
Uh, I don't even know what that is.

20) Tag 5 People

There we go! Hope you guys enjoyed this, and I will se y'all tomorrow with the next post!

Stay gold!

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