Chapter 44

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My due date is only 2 weeks away now. For the past 3 weeks, Jake and my mom has done nothing but set up the nursery in Jake's new apartment which in about 10 minutes away from my house. I forgot to mention to you guys. Jake and I both are now taking online classes instead of actually going into class. 

Right before Jake and my mom started buying things for Matthew, Jake decided that it was time for him to move out of his parents house. Which is also what I'm doing after Matthew is born. Instead of coming home to my parents after the hospital with Matthew, I'll be going home to Jake and I's apartment with him. 

Anyways, with Matthew being here pretty much anyday now, any weird feelings in my stomach has me thinking something is going on with him. Even though I'm just being paranoid. But hey, this is my first kid. 

Since I have nothing to do I call Shawn for the first time since I went into the hospital last time. 

Shawn: Hey! Diana, I've missed you. 

Diana: Heey! I wanted to see when you were coming home? 

Shawn: Tomorrow actually. How come?

Diana: Well I should be having Matthew anyday now and I was wondering if you and Valerie will be able to come to the hospital when he's born.

Shawn: Of course we can be there!

Diana: Good. Hey, before I let you go, there's something I want to ask you.

Shawn: What is it?

Diana: Will you and Valerie be Matthew's godparents?

Shawn: You know we can! But hey, I don't mean to rush but I have to get back to my hotel room. I need to start packing for my flight home tonight. Love you bye. 

And with that there's a click and Shawn's gone. 

****NEXT DAY****

"Diana, guys who's here!!" Jake yells throughout the house as he walks in from being out all day.

"Who? You know I can't get out of bed dingus!"

"I'll just send them up." Ughh.

I couldn't help but grunt. Why couldn't he just tell me who was here?! Was it really that hard to say a persons name? Apparently to Jake it was. I was knocked out of my thoughts by someone bursting into my room. 

I put my phone down and roll over so that I'm facing the door.

"SHAWN!!" This is the first time I'm seeing Shawn since he left for tour. 

"How have you been?" He asks me after relasing from the bear hug we were just in.

"You know just being pregnant." Of course Shawn laughs at my corny joke. Like he does to any of them. 

Shawn, Jake, and I spend the entire day in my room just catching up. Up until he deicded to leave so he can get Valerei. SInce she was planning to come over and spend the day with us tomorrow. Once he heads out the door I pass out due to how tired I was all day.

I'm awaken during the night from a strange wet feeling in the bed at around 3:00 this morning. Followed by some sharp pains in my lower stomach and back. With me being so paranoid, I yell for my parents and I wake Jake up.

"Diana, I think you're water broke. We need to get to the hospital like now. Jake grab the bag that's already packed by the front door and get the car started. Her father and I will get her out to the car." 

My mother keeps me in a calm voice. Which is actually really surpising to me. As I'm making my way down the stairs Lizzy comes out of her room wondering what's going on. My father fills her in and she quickly heads back into her room and changes into sweatpants and a tank top.

Once the 5 of us are all in the car, Jake drives off quickly to the hospital. During the entire ride the concractions just keep getting worse and are coming more often. Which me being in pain makes Jake extremely worried and starts driving faster. That doesn't settle too well with my mother so she makes him slow down the car.

But she ran out of time to tell him because right when she went to say a word, we pulled into the hospital parking lot. In what has to be record time for us and the hospital, we were signed in and in a room within 15 minutes.

Once we got settled into the hospital I had Jake call Shawn and Valerie to have them here. Within 20 minutes doctors and nurses all poured into my room since Matthew was only minutes away. Shawn and Valerie arrive just in time to him to be born.


"Here's your happy and healthy baby boy." The nurse says as she hands me Matthew. Jake Heads out into the hall to go and get my parents, Shawn, and Valerie.

"Wanna hold him?" I ask Valerie knowing she would. I gentely pass Matthew over to her.

"What's his full name?" Shawn asks as he's looking over Valerie's shoulder at him.

"Matthew James Foushee."


Hey guys, only one more chapter left. I just want to thank you all. I love you guys!!!! I'll be making a sequal to this and will be writing more stories.

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